spring is coming!

The pussy willows are showing their catkins!!!

My garden to me is a hot mess,  however. 

The frost heaving has wreaked havoc here and there, and the deer have already been making the rounds as they are very hungry right now. Tops of parts of my hydrangeas on a side bank are all partially eaten down. It might be too early but I sprayed some deer stuff in a couple of places today. 

And everything in general is alternately terribly muddy or still frozen like a rock.

I have seen the tops of some daffodils starting to peek through – just the leaves. I think my roses made it through the winter but it’s a little too early to tell.

I am itching to get into the garden but it’s really too early.

1 thought on “spring is coming!

  1. I so very much miss the puzzy willows- they just won’t grow for me out here in Kansas. They were always my favourite sign that spring was coming. I now have to resort to artificial ones- not really the same!

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