monuments to ugliness



They call this variety “monuments”.

Monuments to ugliness.

Monuments to excess.

We don’t need them in our communities. I don’t care how many get approved by local municipalities, my opinion remains unchanged.

Billboards suck. Communities have these monument monstrosities forced upon them and it is never about the community, it is about whomever is erecting them and the sheckels they can make. I know one billboard owner in particular who does not love my opinions. Macht nichts, dude, I am entitled to my opinion under the First Amendment like your ilk thinks it is a First Amendment right to erect billboards.

And not only do I think billboards are ugly, I think they are a driver distraction.

Thanks for stopping by.

1 thought on “monuments to ugliness

  1. I also find them distracting…let’s not forget UGLY. Just like entering the casino areas. How many ways can we deface our country? Let me count the ways.

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