saint theresa of west whiteland needs to go.

Saint Theresa is Theresa Hogan Santalucia is a Supervisor of West Whiteland. She’s a Democrat, and a bad one at that. She is what they call in the trade, a DemoCRAP.

And before we go any further, she is a POLITICIAN and I can utilize my First Amendment Rights to criticize her as a politician.

She has left herself wide open to criticism because of HER OWN ACTIONS. She’s been covered before, and I love how she contacts people at night. See this post. Maybe she’s a vampire? Also see this other post.

She goes on social media rants occasionally, and she doesn’t get the difference between public posts on Facebook (little globe) and private posts, but given how she wigs out, people take screen shots. Then she goes all pitiful pearl on people. See next screen shot as an example:

She is literally a bully as a local politician to people’s faces and at public meetings, yet ALL criticism of her is she is being bullied? The plurality, the public can criticize, berate, or compliment her. And let’s talk about HER behavior. The latest? GARBAGE GATE.

This presentation was done by new Supervisor Brian Dunn. It is a common sense approach to why in the Sam hell does West Whiteland think the residents still want cheap plastic trash bags that aren’t readily available, are cheap quality that break, and places like Wawa and other store JACK the prices to gouge residents? And have you ever driven on West Whiteland Roads and wondered why there is littler in lots of places? These bags. But oh no, Theresa can’t listen she has to make a scene at the meetings and then COMMENT into the night on Brian Dunn’s supervisor Facebook page? And Mr. Solicitor Darling, she is a PUBLIC official commenting, a politician. Just like she was when she tried to stop you from becoming solicitor in West Whiteland and basically called Brian Dunn a crook, so what gives? We know you don’t want to babysit a post menopausal child, but hey someone has to, right?

#GarbageGate also begs the question of does this woman, an elected official, actually READ her Supervisor packets before meetings? Because she is remarkably ill prepared every single meeting isn’t she? And what is her relationship to staff like for example that codes person who wears biker chick makeup and likes to fluff her hair on Zoom? And does Saint Theresa demand staff do her bidding? If various Rights to Know were submitted to their knows everything Right to Know person regarding Theresa’s correspondence, text messages, etc, to others, what ALL would turn up? I mean that whole write me a check now Bethy of it all that came out sure was interesting?

Here are various screen shots including one where she calls a resident a liar even if she can’t spell it:

So she went to the Supervisors State conference. She talked about it:

I thought for that thing you could sign up ahead of time? Doesn’t seem like she planned very well did it? Or was she too busy having a mini-break on West Whiteland Township and her residents? Hey she posted the badges indicating it was play time, so the door is wide open to ask and doesn’t it seem like she was there for HER and not West Whiteland? And her badge says “veteran” so how come she doesn’t seem to know so much? And oh apparently she did not like her accommodations.

Saint Theresa should not be in public office. #RESIGNTheresa

1 thought on “saint theresa of west whiteland needs to go.

  1. Carla: I am leeft with the impression that Saint Theresa is the type of lady that GeorgeCarlin was referring to in his dialog back in 1975.

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