what defines “marketing” a historic barn?

UPDATE:  A Realtor I know was finally able to come up with listing on the barn.  It is on TREND (# 6161851). However, it is listed under “land type” as “One Building Lot” and under “structures?”  the answer is “N”. So here y’all go (and as a non industry professional I still say this is all about as clear as mud, can’t you agree?):

Trend 6161851



So not so long ago I wrote a post about the Rossi Barn on Waterloo Road that Bentley Homes asked to tear down, but agreed to “market” for sale?

Simple question: what defines market for sale?  An MLS listing?  A page on their website where everything else they have for sale is?  How does one obtain information?  Realtors have listings, developers have listings, so why is it Realtors I know can’t seem to find a listing let alone anyone else?

As a matter of fact someone I know sent me three interesting screen shots today.  They wanted to see the listing on the barn.  I don’t know why, it shouldn’t really matter since Bentley told those Easttown folks he would actively “market” the barn for sale a while longer, right?

Apparently Bentley’s website has that live chat/live assist capability.  This person, looking for info on the barn and what it was listed for couldn’t find anything on the barn – just what appears to be the original listing on this property with Prudential.

Obviously it makes for easy Tyvec Kingdom building if a developer could just tear down a barn like this, only the barn is 200 years old and isn’t in bad shape….so in theory someone could buy it and live in it .  But if people can’t easily find a listing, how can they buy the barn?   My sources tell me there is interest in this barn, so perhaps something good could happen if info was out there for the world to find?

Maybe it would behoove Mr. Bentley to put a listing page conveniently on his spiffy website?  Or should people just contact Easttown Township directly?

Here is what I was sent and please note the “Me” is not me literally, it is apparently how it comes up on the live assist/live chat function:

Bentley 1

Bentley 2

Bentley 3

Links to articles on the topic:

Easttown planning commission approves demolition of 19th century barn

Published: Thursday, January 03, 2013


Plans to demolish centuries-old barn raises hackles in Chester County

January 28, 2013|By Aubrey Whelan, Inquirer Staff Writer