police department hopscotch in malvern….again

malvernPardon my questions, but I haven’t lived out here long enough to learn how it all rolls.  Today I would like to know if Malvern Borough seems to get its police chiefs from East Whiteland, then why isn’t there  just a combined force serving the Borough of Malvern and East Whiteland?  Don’t eliminate jobs, just put both departments together under one chief?

Anyway, it just seems odd.  I remember not so long ago they were talking about eliminating Malvern’s police department, weren’t they? But if the Borough can’t seem to keep a Chief of Police what the heck goes on in the Borough?  Hopscotch?

New Police Chief Named in Malvern Borough

Louis Marcelli, a sergeant with the East Whiteland Police, has replaced Mark Ercole as the head of the borough’s police department.

By Pete Kennedy Email the author March 11, 2013

The Malvern Police Department has a new leader.

Louis Marcelli, a sergeant in the East Whiteland Police Department, has assumed the role of acting police chief.

Marcelli took command March 6, according to Malvern Mayor Jerry McGlone. The previous chief, Mark Ercole, has returned to East Whiteland…….Ercole had been brought in to replace Chief Michael McMahon, whose termination followed a tumultuous period during which borough officials were considering disbanding the department. Ultimately, borough council opted instead for a change of leadership….East Whiteland Township is also providing police chief services to the Westtown-East Goshen Regional Police Department through June.