paying it forward to help those in need this holiday season


The holiday season is here. There are many in Chester County facing hardships of all kinds including losing their homes or needing resources for health related issues. People of all ages, races, religions. With small children and without. Families as well as individuals.

If you know of services or non-profits faith based and otherwise which help families in need in Chester County PA please post a comment or post a comment on the Chester County Ramblings Facebook Page. Include any links, contact names and numbers, and so on. I am talking food, clothing, pro-bono legal assistance, shelter, housing, health related…YOU NAME IT! (and food banks and non-profits seeking donations you may also post comments regarding what you are looking for and how people can find you.)

As human beings we need to pay this forward. The economy has been tough the past few years. And but for the grace of God any of us could fall on unexpected hard times.

I know sometimes pride prevents people from reaching out for help, but I am hoping maybe if they see this post and my readers post helpful links and suggestions in comments we can help people out there.

Thank you