so tarleton school is closing in berwyn?

So yup, that’s the chatter around town. Does Easttown Township have any comment? Is this true? If so, who is the buyer? Would that be a preservationist/conservationist buyer or just another developer?

Their website says nothing about it yet. Does anyone have a copy of the letter that they can send me?

My husband and several of my friends went there in the 60s when it was a little school and not so much a glorified daycare.

Not only is this a property super historic (Tarleton Skirmish 1777 after Battle of Brandywine see quote to follow from Easttown Township website), the mansion house is historic too.

Although the township was actively involved in the American Revolution, the Tarleton skirmish of 1777, following the Battle of Brandywine, was the most famous historical event. Americans under the command of General Anthony Wayne, an Easttown native, and led by Captain “Light Horse Harry” Lee repelled an attack by the British on Signal Hill near the intersection of Newtown and Sugartown Roads. The house was later named Tarleton for the British leader. Signal Hill itself acquired its name as the end of a signal line extending from Valley Forge.

~ Easttown Township

So what will happen here? My money is on ugly development as it is zoned in the area for medium density development and developers have been salivating over it for years.

Thank you dear readers for the letter. Several readers sent it to me.

Here’s hoping Easttown Township remembers history and open space this time. Also, given the fact a colonial era battle went on during the revolution and post-revolution years in this country. It really is a place that has to have ground, penetrating radar done, etc. No one needs McMansions over the potential graves of revolutionary war soldiers.

Well, that’s all I’ve got hopefully somebody else knows a little more.

This is sad.

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