enough is enough

violetSo? Where to begin?  I have written a few posts in support of the folks fighting Sunoco in East and West Goshen.

Some folks have left comments. They understand it is a blog and as blog owner I reserve the right to delete or publish comments. I am not some giant Internet conglomerate and I don’t have TOS (“terms of service”) other than hey now, this is my blog and I make the rules.

Anyway, up rolls this person from East Goshen and they leave a comment. (As in they initiated contact, I did not seek them out.)  I thanked them for the comment but asked them to have a care with leaving comments about their home township I was not comfortable with.  Something which is very reasonable and pretty basic, right?

A couple of days have passed and all of a sudden this person is back leaving comments. Which I also published. Then because I published comments that I was supposed to (apparently) NOT publish, and (apparently) I am supposed to be the psychic blog network because how else was I supposed to divine that this person (apparently) was having a private conversation?


Yep, you got it.  Pretzel logic.

So here is the 411: I have removed the comments and retained full screen shots.  I have retained the original comment notification in native format (which shows their I.P. address, e-mail address, and sender’s full name.)  I will no longer accept comments from this person.  Further contact will constitute harassment on their part. The comments they have left today can be interpreted as harassment.

And there is one other thing. Because this person has made me so uncomfortable, and  although we are all supposed to be on the same team wanting pipelines out of our communities and Sunoco to be brought to heel, I can’t feel comfortable continuing to write about this topic on this blog.  So I wish those people fighting, including friends, well.  I want nothing but the best for all of you dealing with this weighty topic.

I created this blog as my exploration and experience of Chester County.  I choose the topics, I write the posts.  This is not a compensated blog, I am not paid to write.  I write and share my photos because writing and photography bring me joy.

I will continue to share with you my faithful readers, and I thank you for stopping by.


2 thoughts on “enough is enough

  1. I am sorry to have read this post. Please know that there are some of us who will not shirk our responsibilities as good citizens, to help in any way any those who report facts to the public.
    There is no greater enemy to freedom than those who would muzzle free speech.

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