sex, lies, and lawn signs: don’t we have bigger fish to fry in chester county?

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Sigh. I knew Incumbent and Invisible State Rep. Kristine Howard (D-167) was feeling threatened, but I had no idea that she would stoop to such lows (or allow her campaign to.)  Especially as a female candidate and current elected official.  But she has.  She is coloring outside the lines, waaaay outside the lines to the point of wondering what she gets by doing this or allowing it to be done? And she is always when anything ever comes out, a pathetic apologist.  Case in point is this latest missive to the Democratic Committee and whomever wrote this needs a lesson in writing in general:

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What is that smell? Ahh yes political puffery and bull twaddle.  Why? Because she and her campaign are TERRIFIED of my friend Ginny Kerslake who is running for her State Rep seat as a BETTER Democrat.  She’s too silly to realize that she should actually be terrified of my other friend who is running as the Republican candidate, Wendy Graham Leland. (But I digress.)

Everything that comes out targets Ginny Kerslake because well, that is ALL Kristine Howard has done.  Other than that she is invisible.  She started doing newsletters I think to prop up her sagging campaign.  And her campaign deserves to sag. But her campaign is behaving more and more like a Bravo Real Housewives franchise they are so pathetic. We might watch the Housewives shows for entertainment value, but we certainly wouldn’t elect them to public office, would we?

Her opportunistic boyfriend sidles up to husbands of former county commissioners and others who don’t even live in Chester County to slam and attempt to denigrate anyone who isn’t high stepping like a Rockette alongside them, Tom Wolf, or who is NOT pro-pipeline, correct? They have multiple fake social media news pages up and that’s how they are running this campaign: lies, innuendo, harassment, fake news. You know the political campaign equivalent of sex, lies, and videotape.

And at the heart of the matter are the pipelines, aren’t they? That is why Ginny Kerslake and Danielle Friel Otten are so feared. They aren’t them, they are us.  Being normal and hard working is the world’s oldest and biggest threat to political chicanery.

Rep. Kristine Howard allows these things to continue, turns a blind eye and is mute, so why would anyone want her in Harrisburg? Doesn’t she know right from wrong? Is allowing political crap like this to persist outside the bounds of being ethical? Or just being devoid of a strong moral compass?

Rep. Howard remains mute while others speak and write for her.  Just like with the last election when she was also invisible and mute to the point that even door knockers campaigning on her behalf knew nothing about her or what she even looked like.  And she used a couple of photos then that were like a decade or better out of date so when you did finally see a photo of her today most of us had no idea who it was.

Rep. Kristine Howard is also a Tom Wolf marionette.  Whatever Govie man says, she swoons. Swoons. How high can she jump for him? Very high.  Take last summer when her constituents adversely affected by pipelines quite literally begged her in tears to tour their neighborhoods with them. She ignored them but later showed up for a photo op with Governor Tom Wolf….and Rep Carolyn Comitta.

Back to her missive to Democrat committee members. Why is she targeting Ginny Kerslake and Ginny Kerslake alone over lawn signs? Other Chester County candidates have lawn signs out? Take Don Vymazal, for example. His signs are out.  Other signs are out. But no, all she targets is ONE person, Ginny Kerslake.

Rep. Kristine Howard also has her angry gal pals.  Like West Whiteland Supervisor Theresa Hogan Santalucia.  But they share a common dislike for Ginny Kerslake, don’t they?  When the good supervisor isn’t shilling for Howard she is the mouthpiece of her sister Rose Hogan Danese, who is running (or trying to run) against Rep Danielle Friel Otten.  Danielle is another target in general of these people.  And a friend of Ginny’s. (See the pattern?)

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So back to this whole #SignGate.  Ginny Kerslake is not breaking any laws and quite frankly contactless delivery is contactless delivery.  Rep. Kristine Howard should have better things to do.  But she and her campaign and her camp followers apparently do not have anything better to do.

It’s like the rumors they have been spreading about another friend of mine who was campaigning for Ginny before all the #COVIDmadness ensued.  Accusing her of having the virus and spreading it.  Have you heard of anything so hateful in the time of a global pandemic? And a little fact checking is in order because Ginny’s team hasn’t been canvassing since we were all told to stay the hell home.

And other things they made a mountain out of a molehill on was they claim Ginny Kerslake voted for Duane Milne in 2018. Ummm, who cares if it’s true?  I mean really? Aren’t we allowed to chose whom we wish to vote for regardless of political affiliation? And does that mean they know who every resident of Chester County has voted for? Are they in fact violating the supposed sanctity of the voting booth?

So every few days it is something else. But the signs thing is just so pathetic it was time to speak out about it.  I am sure they will attack me next.  And State Rep. Kristine Howard will stand mute when that happens, won’t she? After all where is her moral compass if she thinks this is the way to win a primary, right? Maybe she should stand on her record, but then that makes you wonder what has she actually done since taking office? The answer is photo ops with Wolf and other Wolfettes and not much else.

I ask you primary voters in the 167th to vote Rep. Kristine Howard OUT of office on June 2nd.  Any woman that stands by and allows her campaign soldiers to behave the way they have does not deserve votes.  She does not have her own voice. She is a political puppet, a marionette.  I find that equally sad and pathetic. I don’t think this is what State Rep. Kristine Howard set out to become, but it’s too late, she’s there and it’s done.

In general, the Chester County Democratic Party needs to get it together. They say power corrupts and I have to marvel at how it hasn’t taken that long for them to start acting stupid? And they criticize the Republicans? Come on now.

I close with a positive.  Please read former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge‘s recent editorial.  It is very powerful.  CLICK HERE.


caspar whiner




4 thoughts on “sex, lies, and lawn signs: don’t we have bigger fish to fry in chester county?

  1. Let’s see…is there anything…ANYTHING…more irritating right now than whining from any elected official? And SO MUCH WHINING, such a long “explanation” as to her own choices. And how convenient, a world crisis that fits your do-nothing narrative…aren’t you just a tiny bit ashamed of yourself?

  2. Thanks for this, I am happily casting my vote for Ginny! Having known Ginny for years, I can attest she is the personification of grit, dedication, integrity & authenticity that we need.

  3. Appreciate your blog! I have personally experienced the do-nothingness of Howard and her staff. Alternatively, I have seen Ginny in my community, doing various types of community work and caring acts *for free* as a volunteer and kind human being.

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