wondering about willistown conservation trust and a public meeting TONIGHT about rock creek farm

Willistown Conservation Trust (WCT) used to be an organization I thought was awesome… but to be honest that was many years ago when some I knew worked there and were involved there. As time has passed I have wondered like many of these nonprofits, if they are more about being like a club and social than their actual mission? And are they a little insular and perhaps not as welcoming as they should be to what their membership perceives as outsiders? (Radnor Conservancy also comes to mind with this train of thought because what do they actually do and what have they done in years?)

I was wondering about them (WCT) when we all found out what Wildflower Farm was going through because of their “neighbors”. I put “neighbors” in quotes because these people don’t act like neighbors and I’m allowed that opinion. I found it strange that Willistown Conservation Trust (WCT) hadn’t spoken up in favor of this farm. And if they did speak up in favor of Wildflower Farm by all means someone tell me and I will stand corrected but I can’t find it anywhere can you?

And then I found out that the family that owns the farm is supportive of Willistown Conservation Trust (WCT) so now that a settlement agreement has been inked between Willistown Township and Wildflower Farm will they actually support a farm, family, and business that kinda sorta live the philosophies espoused by WCT?

And then there is the whole Rock Hill Farm of it all, isn’t there? Considering who’s on the board of WCT, is it just me who finds it odd that after all these years none of the land on that farm made it into conservation before someone died?

I don’t really have a horse in the race of Rock Hill Farm, but considering the sheer amount of acreage and history, it would be nice if at least a good part of it was conserved, right ? How many fields of McMansions do we need in one county? And if it’s not McMansions it’s fake carriage homes and town houses where everyone is squeezed in like lemmings. And then the third option of course are unattractive institutional looking apartment buildings.

Now tonight there is a meeting about Rock Hill Farm. The Daily Local has an article about it:

Daily Local: Public hearing set to save Rock Hill Farm and thwart development in Willistown
Public meeting set Dec. 15

📌📌WILLISTOWN — Professionals in the legal, land planning and engineering professions are assisting neighbors and community members working to save Rock Hill Farm, one of the township’s most scenic, environmentally threatened and historic estates, from unwanted and potentially destructive development.

Plans have been proposed to develop large sections of the property, located in the Great Valley School District. More than 100 people attended each of two township planning commission meetings at which these plans were presented.

Doubts have been raised, suggesting that these plans do not comply with the Township Zoning Code. Large sections of the Rural Zoning District of Willistown are conserved farms and nothing like the proposed plans exists in that agricultural and natural area of the township.

The Rock Hill Farm property has long been a Willistown Township ecological gem worthy of protection. The property, located at 2320 South Valley Road and 185 Grubb Road, includes more than 200 acres of old-growth forests, wetlands, rolling hills and streams. Crum Creek, one of the purest waterways in the region, runs through the property.

Those interested in assisting in community efforts to influence the future of Rock Hill Farm are invited to attend a public meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 15, 2021, at 7 p.m. at Waynesborough Country Club, 440 Darby Paoli Road, Paoli.

The speakers will include a team of professionals, including attorney George Asimos, land planner Tom Comitta and engineer Chuck Dobson….Rock Hill, since 1985, has been preserved by the family of Tristram C. Colket Jr., a grandson of John T. Dorrance Sr., founder of the Campbell Soup fortune…Rock Hill has been an operating farm, growing plants in the greenhouses, bee keeping, raising chickens and harvesting an apple orchard.

The property came up for sale after his death in 2020.📌📌

So I just wonder about stuff sometimes. I also wonder who else wonders?

If you are interested in Rock Hill Farm I suggest you make time for this meeting this evening. I believe it to be ONLY in person I have not heard anything about virtual streaming.