saying good-bye to christmas…bit by bit

I really don’t like saying goodbye to Christmas. But it has gotten to the point as it does every year where the Santas and Nutcrackers seem to be staring at me throughout the house. It’s like they’re telling me it’s time for them to come down and go away into their bins until next year.

I started a few days ago by putting away the outside decorations. And then I began inside with the Christmas plates and linens. Everything back onto their storage shelves and into trunks.

Today the Santas went away. They always look so sad lined up ready to go into the bins. I am getting better at putting Christmas decorations away in a less haphazard manner. But next year I still won’t remember which decorations are in each bin. I swear it’s part of the decorating process!

Piece by piece, bit by bit. Deconstructing Christmas and bringing the house back to non-holiday normal. By the time all of the ornaments are put away I will once again swear I am NOT, NOT, NOT doing all of those decorations again next year….and then next December will roll around and I will do it all over again.

Until next year, Christmas, until next year.

1 thought on “saying good-bye to christmas…bit by bit

  1. My birthday is Dec. 27th. I loathe to see the decorations come down. Christmas and my birthday over in a two day fell swoop. Our son’s birthday is June 22nd. One Christmas when he was young he lamented about having to wait 6 months until his birthday. That was until I explained
    he could be me ~ Christmas & birthday , poof !

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