out with the old, back in with the creepy familiar

It is almost the end of 2017, and quite the year it has been! I have enjoyed this year with friends and family, and like life it has had it’s ups and downs. It has also now marked the return of someone extraordinarily unstable in my life.

On this blog, in the past, I spoke about cyberbullying and cyberstalking. As in an adult who was doing this to me. They did it via Facebook, and Facebook has shut them down two times that I know of.

This person was someone who was only ever in my life long distance. I never met them in person. They are related to someone I used to know. I thought they were nice, we even used to exchange Christmas presents. But as my old life waned and I recovered from breast cancer and life moved me to wonderful Chester County, as I fell in love again and then had my own family, they waned from my life. It’s like they were jealous and unable to be happy for me.

Eventually this person decided they could not fit into my life and stopped communicating. At the time this saddened me, but relationships end.

Then one day they were back. This was cyberbullying and cyberstalking attempt number one. They took whatever I wrote here and on the blog’s Facebook page and whatever else they could scrounge up by lurking on Twitter and they perverted it, distorted it, even oddly sexualized it. It went on for months. They even virtually befriended people who were politically opposite from me on local issues. Eventually Facebook shut it down because among other things they were doing all of this from way across state lines in another state not close to here. Though not enforced often enough, the Feds do have laws about cyberbullying and cyberstalking.

Then this person went away, until it happened again. I found out last night they they are back yet again, because apparently they have been at it again for a few months and weren’t getting enough attention.

Last night I found out they had actually reached out to a friend of mine via their social media page. This friend, who is no stranger to harassment for her beliefs, contacted me.

We realized that this person has once again been out there for months. My friend commented that she put a lot of effort into harassing me.

This time, rather ironically, she (yes it is a woman) has this site up about cyberbullying and elder abuse, so they can….well….harass me again. This time they refer to themselves constantly in the third person and although they aren’t, they are calling themselves essentially an at risk elderly person or senior citizen. They are maybe late 50s or tops 60.

They are posting my private information like an old email address of mine which mostly collects spam. They have completely fabricated scenarios that are patently false and actually actionable.

This is still a very sad, twisted, and angry person. They probably want me to take action because they want the attention. They are essentially obsessed with me. I am sure there were other people they have been fixated on, and I am certain I won’t be the last. I also doubt their family in Pennsylvania are going to be happy they are back at it and once again fixated on me.

People are already reporting them to Facebook. Now Facebook is quite slow in dealing with cyberbullying and cyberstalking, but eventually they shut people down. I don’t know how many of these harassing pages this person will continue to create about me until they are finally stopped, but it will happen eventually.

Sadly, I am once again learning that messed up people like this are very real on this planet. Their goal is to create misery, harass, and steal joy.

I am as always, grateful for my friends and family and all of you my dear readers.

Thanks for stopping by.