john boehner is quitting


So news broke today that John Boehner, Republican House Speaker is calling it quits, pretty much effective immediately. Even he who has survived the cesspool of politics in Washington DC since 1990, has had enough.

And who can blame him? Look at the trickledown effect as we feel it on the most local of levels. American Politics is in a shambles of lying, cheating, stealing, back-stabbing extremism. Our country is living the fallout of extremism in politics. It’s embarrassing. (Even that fool Ted Cruz managed to embarrass the US during the Papal visit which is happening now. But Cruz is a curious fool who notices the preciousness of human life when it is about a woman’s right to choose, but very amusingly not so much when it comes to the death penalty. And he has made an ass out of himself ever since Pope Francis, mentioned his objections to the death penalty when he addressed Congress.)


Anyway, I have actually met and spoken to the tan man from Ohio. August 12, 2010 I was invited to a high rollers reception for then Congressman Jim Gerlach in Conshohocken at the Marriott (interesting to note that somehow KenOCrat Miller was not there, guess he really wasn’t so important even back then, but I digress.)

So anyway, I was taking a few photos and had gone outside for some air.  High Roller political events are all about a select set jockeying for position and favor with the politicians there.  It’s exhausting to be around these people seeking to curry political favor with a large check. Outside was John Boehner with his security detail and staff. He also had needed air.  It was me, the car park guy, Boehner, his staff, and security detail.

Boehner asked me not to take his photo while outside. You see, much like many others in the courtyard he was enjoying a  glass of wine…and a cigarette.

If I had taken his photo holding a glass of red wine and a cigarette it probably would not have been the best thing. So I said sure and we had a couple minute conversation.  Not about politics. About how he was enjoying his visit and where he lived in Ohio. I was struck at that point of time how he essentially was a small town Midwestern guy from the state of small towns. He was a truthfully very pleasant person to speak to. I have met enough politicians who play on the national stage. (Some of my friends and I also spent the afternoon with James Sensenbrenner when he met with myself and others in Ardmore PA in February 2006 after he had proposed H.B. 4128 in Washington, DC to protect private property rights against eminent domain. I was also a media relations volunteer during the RNC2000 which was an amazing experience.)

But nice Midwestern guy or not, John Boehner is a seasoned politician and if he is calling it quits that says something indeed about the American political process.

NBC/MSNBC House Speaker Boehner on His Resignation: ‘This Isn’t About Me’

Washington Post: What John Boehner told me the night before he said he was quitting The Debrief: An occasional series offering a reporter’s insights

Philadelphia Inquirer: Why Boehner is quitting



#dearcongress and mr. president

Taken by my friend Amy.  Obviously this guy needs spell check and has a lot to say, but it seems to sum up the stupidity Americans are currently being forced to deal with

Taken by my friend Amy. Obviously this guy needs spell check and has a lot to say, but it seems to sum up the stupidity Americans are currently being forced to deal with

#DearCongress and Mr. President,

Hi it’s me, the average American. I am Republican but don’t blame me for the current brand of Republicans as I think a Tea Party is best for little girls, teddy bears and dolls.

(And I am fresh out of pink ties and hankies for the ever tearful John Boehner and wow, I should have taken that photo of him smoking cigarettes and drinking red wine when he came to PA to stump for Gerlach in August 2010.)

You all claim it started over Obamacare. Well…Democrats you can’t blame everything you don’t like on Republicans, and Republicans you can’t blame it all on Obamacare. And while you puff, preen, and posture, we are still waiting for you to do what? Oh yes demand reform on the part of the insurance companies. While you all fight, they just get richer and nothing changes.

Anyway, I don’t care if you are Republicans and Democrats, I am over, yes o-v-e-r this Government Shut Down. It was a dumb ass idea that should have remained a Walter Mitty moment that never, ever happened.

We hold the following truth to be self-evident: we didn’t elect any of you people for this. And while you puff, preen, and posture on Capitol Hill, with an occasional scripted quip from the White House, ordinary people suffer. And pay for your mess.

Also, this whole idea of government shut down has roots in a guy from the Carter administration named Benjamin Civiletti. (Just thought I would toss that in there)

Now people are freaking out about the US defaulting on debt and investor confidence is shaken seriously by the government shut down. Well wow, what took them so long?

And when we are talking debt and stuff Mr. President and Congress, can we quote Mr. President before he was President?

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasi…ng America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, ‘the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006

America does deserve better. And I think any politician taking part in this farce known as government shut down should be voted out of office. I guess my sentiment is not so unusual because I noticed my Congressman Jim Gerlach has stepped away from the pack, hasn’t he? He joins Meehan, Dent and Fitzpatrick, right?

I want to believe in our party system of Republicans and Democrats but I do not see any of them doing what they should. I see both parties as having been marginalized by extremists, extremism, corruption, and special interests. And it doesn’t matter what any of us regular folk believe or want. The only ones BOTH parties of elected officials in Washington listen to are the super rich , well connected, and the very powerful. The proverbial political king makers. No one else matters.

You have closed our parks and monuments. Including Valley Forge Park. Public roads run through the park, will we get fined for being on public roads? Apparently you are fining everyone else who goes to land technically owned by the people. Maybe you should fine all the deer too?

VF closedI find it ironic that you can pay the park rangers to fine runners like John Bell of Chadds Ford, but you can’t get back to the business of government? Mr. Bell has now retained a lawyer and will fight the $100 ticket in Federal Court and who can blame him, except we all will end up paying for all litigation that this government shut down results in, won’t we?

Which brings me to the heart of the matter. I have to ask Mr. President and Congress why this government shut down is not a tax-free event? After all, we as every day Americans have nothing to do with this and I think this should be like when Comcast and Verizon and PECO screw up and they have to adjust your bill. Why not adjust our tax bills accordingly? I see no reason why we should pay for your foolishness anymore then we already have to.

And let’s talk salary and benefits Mr. President and Congress ok? I pay my own health benefits. As Americans, we all pay for YOU as a collective. That’s a great deal being a politician. You can declare war on each other and do less than you usually do, and we have to pay for it. You aren’t living up to your job descriptions and if you were in corporate America you would be what? Oh yes, oh my, you would be fired.

The Government Shutdown stinks. Why should we all be paying because you can’t get along? Has it ever occurred to you or do you care that you make us all embarrassed to be an American at this point on some level?

How can we take pride in a government that is no better than a bunch of kids fighting on the playground?

With all due respect #DearCongress and President Obama? GROW UP. Running this country needs to stop being about the agendas of politicians and special interest groups from BOTH parties.

Let’s end this #AmericanHorrorStory .

