guess what? politicians can’t block constituents on social media. just ask joe gale.

Oh Joe Gale. Once I thought he showed promise. But it sadly has become apparent over time that he is nuttier than a fruitcake and so divisive. He seems hell bent on his personal agenda, which also seems as clear as mud some days, doesn’t it? And I find it fascinating that he does all this while living with his mommy, and what happens when he brings a girl home? For those wondering why I write about a Montgomery County Commissioner, it’s because I spent most of my life living in Lower Merion Township, Montgomery County and when he was first running people I know and respect told me how wonderful he was blah, blah, blah and how he would be terrific for Montgomery County.


In Italy they call men like Joe Gale a mammone which literally translates to “mommy’s boy”. There have been a lot of articles written about mammoni (plural of mammone) and I find it all fascinating. Some of the articles ruminate about these guys having Peter Pan complexes. And CBS 60 Minutes even did a piece on mammoni years ago and maybe we should suggest Joe Gale for an updated piece?

Now I am not saying I have a problem with Joe because he’s young. One of our Chester County Commissioners, Josh Maxwell, is not much older than Joe Gale and somehow he manages to live on his own and is married and is an adult (and a heck of a nice guy too.) Josh became Mayor of Downingtown at 26. Sadly, Joe Gale is no Josh Maxwell.

Joe Gale doesn’t have emotional maturity, he seems instead somewhat stunted, and isn’t that sad?

Now I am not saying that the other two Montgomery County Commissioners are prizes, because oh hell to the no they are not. Montgomery County is a political swamp in need of a good draining and cleaning. And Montgomery County has surpassed the dysfunctional prizes once held by Delaware County ( see the chronicles of Delco Tom Paine before they disappear. Peter Porcupine is still a genius.)

Now if Joe Gale actually did anything for Montgomery County residents, well I probably would shut my mouth. But all he does is push his own somewhat clear as mud agenda from the comfort of mommy and daddy’s house. In June he released a very offensive statement concerning rioting, looting, and Black Lives Matter by any standards conservative or liberal in my humble opinion:

If you objected to his words, you were blocked on social media. He blocked me, which I realized on June 2, 2020 but I can’t say definitively it occured in June or before because I don’t follow him THAT closely. He’s not the first politician who has blocked me. I found myself blocked (for example) by our PA Lieutenant Governor, the Lurch-Like John Fetterman in July, 2019. Amusingly enough, I am still blocked. I just took this screenshot:

Now I don’t really care if John Fetterman blocks me. Or Joe Gale for that matter. But it is damn amusing that hater of everything non-Trumpian, Joe Gale would want to be like John Fetterman.

Anyway, constituents and others including my pal Caroline from Savvy Main Line took baby Joe to Federal Court and I applaud them:

It made for some interesting media and the Montgomery County Solicitor declined to defend Joe. Here are some of the articles I have read in the past few months:

WHYY/NPR: Hundreds rally in Montco to demand Commissioner Joe Gale’s resignation
By Zachariah Hughes June 4, 2020

Inquirer: A Montco Republican commissioner called Black Lives Matter a ‘hate group.’ Now he’s more isolated than ever.
by Allison Steele and Vinny Vella, Updated: June 18, 2020

Inquirer: Courts said President Trump can’t block constituents on Twitter. What about Montgomery County Commissioner Gale?
by Anna Orso, Posted: July 2, 2020

Pottstown Mercury: Montgomery County solicitor moves to not represent Commissioner Joe Gale in federal lawsuit
By Carl Hessler Jr. @MontcoCourtNews on Twitter Aug 19, 2020

Glenside Local: Opinion | Joe Gale finally gets the attention he deserved June 3rd, 2020 | By Kevin Tierney

More Than The Curve: Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Gale accuses fellow commissioner Dr. Val Arkoosh of only social distancing for the camera May 20th, 2020 | By Kevin Tierney

More than the Curve: Opinion | Joe Gale finally gets the attention he deserved June 2nd, 2020 | By Kevin Tierney

North Penn Now: Local Elected Officials Sign Statement Condemning ‘Racist Remarks’ Made By Commissioner Joe Gale Keith Heffintrayer•Tue, Jun 09, 2020, 9:01 AM

WHYY/NPR: Montco commissioner faces federal lawsuit for blocking constituents on social media
By Zachariah Hughes June 30, 2020

Inquirer: In federal court settlement, Montgomery County commissioner agrees to unblock constituents on social media
by Vinny Vella, Posted: September 1, 2020

Oh one thing from 2019:

This Is Lower Merion And Narberth: Joe Gale Is Given 72 Hours To Retract And Apologize
October 13, 2019 by Gerry

Here is the court order (renamed by moi for brevity and wit):

Yes I got into PACER. First Amendment victories thrill me.

So hey this is what Joe Gale thinks of all of us:

My gosh Joe Gale, isn’t the First Amendment marvelous? I mean I know you think it should be subjective and all that but it gives you the right to literally call a divine Main Line lady, Caroline O’Halloran and the rest of us who simply do not agree with you the “Marxist Mob”. My gosh my golly I have not been referred to as anything so delightful since a white sneaker wearing tea partier spat in my face and called me a Socialist years ago (while I was a card carrying Republican, no less.)

So Joe Gale started out like a true Alex P. Keaton at 20 running for Plymouth Township Council I think it was. He lost. Ran for something again there in 2013 and withdrew. He ran for Montgomery County Commissioner in 2015. He has more political experience if you want to call it that, than actual work and life experience. He worked for about a year at a clerk position at Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds. He then had job for three years at some developer. Briefly in 2018 he ran for Lieutenant Governor. So the job he has held the longest is Montgomery County Commissioner, but what has he actually done?

Back when he first wanted to be a Montgomery County Commissioner I found his Alex P. Keaton-ish self meh but palatable. After all considering the legions of skunks who had been Montgomery County Commissioners how bad he could be?


Let’s look at how he has approached COVID-19? Is it just me or does he act like it’s not real? And look at all the photos he poses for, including with old people which makes you wonder is he doing contact tracing? Or is anyone doing contact tracing on him?

Joe Gale’s website is a marvel of spin and oh the giggles. However, he marches all over social media angrier than Trump and that is saying something. Do they tweet to each other from the potty? Oh and his Twitter account @VoteJoeGalePA says “Joe Gale’s Personal Twitter Account. This is Not a Public Platform or Official Government Page.” Oh alrighty Joe and I have a bridge you can buy in Brooklyn….but I digress….

A First Amendment victory against petty political tyrants like Montgomery County Commissioner Joe Gale is to be celebrated. However, I have zero sympathy for anyone in Montgomery County if you let this mammone get re-elected.

This post is brought to you by my First Amendment rights. If you live in Montgomery County, do yourself a favor and DON’T vote Joe Gale whenever he’s up again or for whatever he tries to run for next. Mail him some new binkies and call it a day. Or demand he gets recalled. There has to be a process for that somewhere right?

And all you loverly politicians out there who like to block constituents in Chester County? This ruling against Joe Gale is a very much more local not so distant legal precedent.

Peace out.

BREAKING NEWS: recount requests getting heated in montgomery county

30934900620_65d2e627e5_oAh yes folks, the 2016 election will not be over anytime soon.  Today as I write this post, committee people from all over Montgomery County are poring into Voter Services in that county with legal petitions for RECOUNTS.

Thus far the Montgomery County Board of Elections is REFUSING  to accept the recount petitions according to my sources inside the building.  These are NOT court proceedings, although I was told there was some sort of hearing at 3 pm today on the election and that is why some people feel this push back in Norristown in this particular  office is to stall for time, and is that nuts or what? Here is hoping someone gets this fairly in front of a judge today, right?

There have been problems reported here for quite a while in this office and can it be said some people say since Josh Shapiro came in as a County Commissioner? And where is the PA Attorney General in Waiting during this hot mess today? Or Val Arkoosh who is not only Chair of the Montgomery County Commissioners now but the Chair of Montgomery County Board of Elections????  Asleep at the wheel much Dr. Val Arkoosh? And what about the Chief Clerk Lauren Lambrugo?  What is she doing?

30495091503_0c392b4478_oSomeone there in this zoo in Montgomery County said this afternoon:


“Ray McGarry, the county solicitor, has held firm. The Election Board will accept them (petitions) for service only. It is the Election Board’s position that our only recourse is via the court — either a court ordered recount or a decision that the position we have taken is correct. In any event the Montco Election Board has handled this abysmally, in my opinion.”


Now I know Montgomery County folks have been up in arms because the absentee ballots were NOT even mailed out in a timely fashion.

Now the County Board here has been claiming that  the petitions need to go to prothonatary office then to judge, emergency filing with judge/court to order county election board to recount. But my sources which include lawyers tell me that  in PA supposedly this is a layer not needed, the county board can accept the petitions so what the heck is  is going on? Doesn’t every vote count???


I spoke to a committee person in Narberth who is a dear friend.  Her name is Gigi Tevlin-Moffatt and she is also a Narberth Borough Councilwoman. When I asked her about this she said:


“I am so confused by this entire process at Montco Voter Services. My concern is multi-layered, and this office knew a recount was underway in the entire state, what is the delay at the counter? Why make petitioners literally wait all day?

The decision from the County Solicitor came so late… why was this not posted?  Are we really telling voters that if they dare raise a red flag of ‘recount’ that they have to have thousands of dollars  and a day off from work and their lives to receive a decent response?”


So is this just a case of they still need to take out the trash in Norristown or something deeper and more insidious?  You see, this is not a Republican or Democrat thing, this is an all around voter thing.  As a citizen, your voice is heard with your vote often if it is heard no other way.  So if your voice is not heard because your vote is suppressed, what of our inalienable rights as Americans?

31158883712_e5b4c582a7_oDoes every vote count only if certain factions allow it?

Sign me glad I do not live in Montgomery County any longer. I also wonder if Val Arkoosh is fit to lead Montgomery County Solicitors? Can she be removed from office? And this opinion is nothing new…I had reservations when she tried and failed miserably at running for Congress.

Oh and media was on site so I am not making this up and it will be on the news. It’s like Storming the Bastille today over there in Norristown for Pete’s sake!
