meanwhile in easttown, demolition by neglect at 32 waterloo avenue?

First I will start with somewhere under ALL of this mess is supposedly a house built in 1890. It was bastardized in the 1960s. I wonder what it originally looked like? Someone had said it was possibly a stable or livery originally, so an adaptive reuse would be normal for modern living but LOOK at what neighbors have to literally look at today?

I went looking in ChesCo Views to see who owned the property and obviously it’s an investor or investment group. There are a few properties involved.

Here’s what I found in public records:

Dilapidated property

I don’t have all the details but I asked around and apparently 32 Waterloo was part of an original plan for an office building?

I found these old articles:

Local scuttlebutt has it that they weren’t actually able to do what they originally wanted to do. So houses that they owned were rehabbed and rented out I have been told.

So here’s an excerpt from a 2008 article in Main Line Media News (you know back when our local news was actually reported by our local papers and not disemboweled by hedge funds):

Anger was the word of the evening – or at least the most memorable word – at Tuesday night’s Easttown Planning Commission meeting when Michael McNulty, who is applying for land-development and conditional-use permits for the proposed Waterloo Complex on his property in Berwyn, became upset with the commissioners and stormed out of the room.

Because only two members of the Planning Commission attended Tuesday’s meeting, there was no quorum, and it was unclear why the absent members did not show.

However, chairman Mitch Shiles and commissioner Joe Tamney stayed to hear requests and presentations from community members.

McNulty’s lawyer, Joe Ryan of Ryan, Emory and Ryan, LLP, reported to the commissioners that they had spoken to township engineer Surrender Kohli and landscape architect Lisa Thomas as was requested by the Easttown Board of Supervisors at their most recent meeting. Ryan said that Kohli and Thomas both sent letters approving some changes that were made to the plans for the complex and adding some comments on additional things that they would like to see amended.

Ryan told the commissioners that Kohli wants a note added to the plan stating that no signs will ever be placed on the property, but McNulty spoke up and said that while he isn’t currently applying for a sign, he was not going to promise to never have one because he might want to rent space out to someone who needs a sign for a business.

“We’re not going to agree to a note,” Ryan said. He added that they would comply with anything required by township zoning laws and sign ordinances but that a note agreeing to never place a sign on the property would not fall within the scope of those laws.

McNulty then began to express his anger over having to go back and forth between the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors without getting a final verdict on the request for the permits, especially because his paid legal representatives must come out to each meeting.

“I’m paying these guys hundreds of dollars to be here… yeah, shake your head,” he said angrily to one of the commissioners.

He asked the commissioners to let him know before the meetings if there would again be no decision made.

“Let me know so we don’t do this dog-and-pony show, so we don’t get kicked back again,” he said.

McNulty said that he was “venting,” but Shiles said that he limits the amount of venting allowed in Planning Commission meetings.

“I’m just trying to invest in this township. You guys can’t see the forest for the trees,” he added.

“We’re out of this; forget it,” he muttered as he and Ryan and the others involved with the complex proposal walked out of the room.

“I think the township is being hurt by the arrogance and incompetence of the Planning Commission,” McNulty added in a phone interview on Wednesday. “Every time we go back it’s something new, something new. Last night was the coup de grace – no apology for wasting everybody’s time. That’s why Berwyn looks like it looks.

“I think I’m the only guy in that room who ever read the Comprehensive Plan,” he added. “We haven’t asked for a variance, we haven’t said, ‘Hey, we’ll do this if you do this,’ we’ve done nothing but try to ferret out of them what they want.”

McNulty said that at last count he has spent $130,000 in attorney and legal fees, and “we are no closer.”

“The level of frustration felt by my client and his partners became very evident last night at the meeting. It is unfortunate that it has come to that, but he has been mistreated by the Planning Commission, and last night was the last straw. They didn’t get a quorum and apparently no one notified the participants… there was no apology from the commission,” Ryan said the following day.

“My client is dealing with time requirements set by township ordinance and state law. The Planning Commission seemed to infer that because my client was unwilling to extend his time limits that we were somehow inconveniencing the township. So we intend to move forward to the Board of Supervisors for their action on the project.”

But if the supervisors don’t approve the plan at their meeting on Monday, April 8, McNulty said that he’s “going to give up the dream I’ve been chasing to have an office building in Berwyn. I didn’t think it would be that hard to make happen when I’ve been overinvesting… I’m investing in this. I’m not a developer who’s going to sell the building and move on.”

But, he added, if the plan doesn’t get approved, McNulty said that he will sell the land and move on.

OK so apparently this guy McNulty’s entity still owns these properties correct? I just pulled the records today off of ChesCo views, right? So it kind of makes me laugh because it’s almost like when people threaten to leave a Facebook page or a Facebook group, but they never do?

I remembered when all of this was happening at the time I just never knew what happened to it as an issue until someone posted a picture of 32 Waterloo Ave. over the weekend.

Back to local scuttlebutt. Somewhere along the line, thank heavens, plans for an office building in the middle of Berwyn‘s historic village fell apart. Now, if I recall correctly, when this first started, some of the people in Berwyn came to us at the then Save Ardmore Coalition (now defunct) to ask us how we organized. I also seem to remember now that I’ve started digging back into this that this was covered at the time on the Save Ardmore Coalition blog because we did cover other areas. And at that point the site had multiple bloggers.

So I found all the articles that exist on coverage of this issue of these properties being consolidated for an office building in Berwyn’s historic village. What I was told by locals is that at some point after all of this, the man that owned the properties fixed up all the others and rented them out.

However this one property at 32 Waterloo Avenue has something wrong. I don’t know what the deal is but sitting like this you know something happened right?

So Easttown what is the deal? Intentional blight? Demolition by neglect? It’s also concerning because this is an area of Berwyn that has a lot of investment properties. And if one gets to slide by on subpar standards of property upkeep, the others might follow? Or one would think a real estate holding company like Eadah, that takes reasonably decent care of their properties and has property in that neighborhood might also be bothered by this ?

I honestly don’t know what’s going on, but I will close with a little montage of Google Earth photos of this property at different times over the years.

You be the judge.

hey tredyffrin can a fire truck get by?

Yes, sports fans, I’m back in Mount Pleasant again, which is in the panhandle of Tredyffrin. With this part of Chester County, there is the often opportunistic retelling of the story of Mazie Hall that Tredyffrin loves to trot out when convenient, but the rest of the time? Mount Pleasant might as well be in Uzbekistan, right?

But seriously, I have to ask if emergency vehicles in an actual real and true emergency get around quickly and safely given the way the streets are being used as per these photos from today?

So this latest this is more of what only can be described as predatory development. The old and historic Mount Pleasant is disappearing more every day and Tredyffrin does not care. A wee bit of Mount Pleasant is in Upper Merion and they don’t care either do they?

So this new development they’re parking stuff all over only not on their property, so does the construction company have permission from the township to block up the streets and stuff and if they did wouldn’t you think some supervisor or township official would give a courtesy notice to some of the residents of Mount Pleasant in Tredyffrin? I know for a fact, they know how to reach quite a few of them. And they can always post it on the township website couldn’t they?

I don’t know who’s at fault here but once again, Tredyffrin seems to be doing Mount Pleasant dirty and is everyone OK with that? Maybe it’s time for a new manager who doesn’t seem to do things the old Radnor way?

Dirty deed done dirt cheap much?

A special shout out to the spirits of our founding fathers, for allowing me my opinion courtesy of the First Amendment.

Postscript: I guess the fire chief reads my blog so a genuine THANK YOU a for him checking it out. Here’s hoping that he has the construction 🚧 people move their crap.

will jackie and her disabled son lose their house tomorrow in chester county?

And does anyone care?

I just can’t believe this is happening in Chester County.

I’m not adding any commentary to this. Listen to her. As she says on her page all of the time, “you be the judge.”

malvern borough seems to be a hotbed of what exactly?

I stumbled upon this. From what I can tell Malvern Borough released information on employees, former employees, police or someone Malvern Borough was using did?

The Borough Council meetings don’t seem to have comprehensive recordings so I can’t view them for myself. But apparently they have been a free for all full of explosive behavior and George Carlin’s 7 dirty curse words.

I spoke to Bill Rettew. He doesn’t actually decide what stories run. His editor does. And The Daily Local is an eviscerated newspaper owned by a hedge fund which doesn’t really give a crap about any of the papers they own. So whomever CMR Concerned Malvern Residents are, maybe try NOT acting like a bunch of loons. There is other media in the area other than the Daily Local. Go to investigative reporters at 3/6/10/29 but be advised even if reporters talk to you, their is zero guarantee that their producers or station manager will let them run with the story. Same with The Philadelphia Inquirer and Philadelphia Magazine as far as the editors go and what the writers can do.

And whatever this is, actually it does seem ugly and although I am being pretty fair with this post, I will undoubtedly get hate messages and comments. To which I say STFU y’all wanted this out there didn’t you?

The sad thing is these people raising the alarm on this are NOT wrong. They aren’t. These leaks can be as bad as hackers stealing data. If this truly happened, no matter how brief the exposure was, these people should be offered year of Experian or LifeLock monitoring.

Do I believe anyone’s lives are at risk? Honestly no, but if some of those people are law enforcement I am also not qualified to comment either way.

If this incident really happened, Malvern Borough should own it. They should publicly state what happened, what they did, and what any consequences might be or should be. Maybe it was no harm, no foul in the end. But there should be public answers to this, I do agree with that 100%.

But CNR Concerned Malvern Residents need to know how to behave. They are lucky they haven’t been ejected from meetings, or maybe they have. Who knows. But what they are trying to say is getting lost in bad behavior. In the end if they don’t hone their message all people will remember is they screamed at public meetings.

Maybe it is also time for Malvern Borough to be more sunshine friendly and record their meetings and load them on YouTube. Any 5th grader can show them how.

I can’t comment on whether or not the Malvern Borough Manager should be removed and any of the Borough Council or the Mayor. Again, given the lack of transparency as far as zero found meeting recordings and other things makes it hard to decide in an educated and informed matter.

And whomever it was on Borough Council who basically said they had never heard of the F.O.P. or whatever, I only have this to say: COME ON MAN. SO DUMB.

Have a good evening.

GUILTY! (on all counts!)

Here’s a beautiful headline:

Trump Guilty on All Counts in Hush-Money Case

Donald J. Trump, the former president and presumptive 2024 Republican nominee, was convicted on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records in a case stemming from a payment that silenced a porn star.

Donald J. Trump was convicted on Thursday of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened to derail his 2016 presidential campaign, capping an extraordinary trial that tested the resilience of the American justice system and will reverberate into November’s election.

Mr. Trump was convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records by a jury of 12 New Yorkers, who deliberated over two days to reach a decision in a case rife with descriptions of secret deals, tabloid scandal and an Oval Office pact with echoes of Watergate. The former president sat largely expressionless, a glum look on his face, after the jury issued its verdict.

I don’t care if you like my opinion or not. But my opinion is this has been the Grifter in Chief since he first started all those decades ago.

I can also be honest and say I am tired of hearing about how things were so wonderful when he was president because they weren’t. He didn’t really do anything, except for his cronies, and all of the people that have this cult-like adoration of him are terrifying because they just don’t get it.

Will he continue to run for president this year? Oh probably, but should he be able to run for president with this hanging over his head like the sword of Damocles ? Honestly, no.

He’s a pig of a human being, and I don’t like him, I’ve never liked him. The “art of the deal” should’ve been called the “art of the grift.”

I was a lifelong Republican and happily so for the most part until he became the nominee in 2016.

I’m glad.

they are planting more development in farm country

Yesterday we headed out in to Chester County to go visit a peony farm in what I knew growing up as Brandamore. Like Glenmoore it is actually a very old unincorporated community in Chester County. Brandamore is north of Coatesville. Sometimes when I see people referring to Brandamore today, that either call Coatesville or Glenmoore.

Anyway, we headed out Reeceville Road off of the 30 Bypass. The 30 Bypass is insane in the rain, and what was even more insane were the people not moving over for an ambulance with lights on.

I’m also going to say something that might lead to believe I have fallen and hit my head, but I haven’t. It’s just in this location it works because there’s enough space.

I’m talking about the traffic circle/roundabout at Route 82 (Manor Road) and Cedar Knoll Road/Reeceville Road intersection. I actually think it really works here because there’s enough land for the circle to function properly, as opposed to what they were trying to propose at 352 and King Road a few years ago in East Goshen/East Whiteland. And no houses were taken from what I understand.

This is a mostly pretty drive with rolling hill and farm fields except the farm fields are disappearing rapidly, and all you see are more developments coming.

All of these developments are going to bring how many more people to an area that doesn’t even have a hospital close by.

As we drove by bulldozers and other heavy earth moving equipment I wondered what PA State Senators and State Representatives and the PA Governor were doing to protect these areas?

The short answer, of course, is nothing much because then they would actually have to get off their asses and enact an act of the state constitution to update the woefully decades outdated Municipalities Planning Code of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

It’s so sad to watch what is happening to a county known for agriculture and equine culture. The school districts can’t handle this growth, first responders can’t handle it, the rest of the infrastructure is stressed, and there aren’t even hospitals to serve all these people.

Chester County is being destroyed. And state elected officials are allowing it.

It’s the farmland disappearing act.

live from willistown, it’s the rumor mill!

Faster than the Pony Express! Faster than a speeding car down Warren Avenue, it’s time for the Sunday morning rumor mill in Willistown.

At 5:30 AM this morning, yes on a Sunday no less, the neighbors of Laurel Circle were awakened from their weekend slumber by a noisy rooster and kind of like nails on a chalkboard with deep ridges at this point, right?

So the rumor around Willistown this morning is the subsequent and lovely generosity of the two cool farming and agricultural supervisors.

The rumor is that they will adopt the notorious and extremely loud rooster to give a residential neighborhood a break and isn’t that fabulous? After all they have the acreage right? And farms where farm animals belong?

Aren’t they just awesome for their generosity of spirit? Maybe they will adopt not just the rooster but the bakers dozen or whatever of goats including unneutered billy goats, a manure pile, big ass rats, etc?

But alas… that is just a rumor and if you believed this deliberately sarcastic post, consider yourself punked. Sadly they seem to be rooster blind in Willistown or don’t want to deal with rooster mommy do they? It’s like they can’t see it is a residential neighborhood WITH NO ACTUAL FARMS IN THEM, right?

But Willistown PD did come out and the rooster mommy was given a new warning, wasn’t she? That much is not a rumor is it? (The rooster truth shall set you free or something like that and all, right?)

Sign me keeping it real with roosters for two years. And that street? Always has the messed up crazy stuff doesn’t it?

Willistown could fix this, but they choose not to.

No it’s not a garage sale.

All the white noise machines in the world won’t fix this problem but zoning corrections would, but hey Willistown always gets hoisted by their own petard by their zoning hiccups, right?

Happy Sunday and cock a doodle do.

logan’s run campaign season?

Years ago I worked for a predecessor of Wells Fargo so when I saw the number pop up on caller ID, I picked up the phone.

Only it wasn’t Wells Fargo. It was Steve, the AI guy calling on behalf of Future Focus Dems.

Literally, an auto generated voice telling me about something called the “No Face Act” going through Congress and would I like to be put through to Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan‘s office in support of artificial intelligence not just being able to use your likeness or even your voice without permission. Artificial intelligence, is as we know, a hot topic for election season 2024 and it’s not a bad idea to restrict fake calls that you think are coming from someone you know only they’re not.

See this news story video below :

OK, so now that we’ve established that. I listened to the call out of curiosity because the artificial intelligence thing is a little creepy, and at the end of listening to his artificially generated spiel, (which I thoughtfully recorded for you), I was given the option to be transferred to Chrissy Houlahan‘s office and of course the AI bot thing named Steve had to tell me what I should say. That I found particularly amusing, because I love when somebody tells me what I am supposed to say to one of my elected officials.

So I hit number 1 on my phone keypad and it thanked me and said it would transfer me. Only it didn’t transfer me to Congresswoman, Chrissy Houlahan of the 6th Congressional District that I am part of, it transferred me to a dude in Western PA, Congressman Guy Reschenthaler, who is the 14th Congressional District in like Latrobe or something.

I figured there was a mistake in the programming so I called back three more times to the number that called me plus the number I was given to call in case I wanted to be removed from the list and every single time it goes through to Guy Reschenthaler’s office.

So I looked up this congressman, and I found on his Facebook page. Immediately I found something that let me know exactly why I wouldn’t know who this other guy named Guy was:

This guy Guy is not my country not my people literally. He’s from the political twilight zone.

So next I called the Chester County Democratic Committee office. Twice. But no one answers the phone there. (Of course I wonder why there’s nobody there to answer the phone because I was told that the Biden campaign is sharing office space in West Chester with them.)

Now I’m really curious. So I decided to call Chrissy Houlahan‘s office and ask them. They never heard of Future Focus Dems as a group they never heard of this bill and there wasn’t anything like it right now on deck that they knew of to go through Congress.

Alrighty, then. This is a definite political mystery. So I picked up the phone and I called Congressman Guy Reschenthaler’s office. They also have zero clue what I’m talking about and were amused that I was being connected to their office in the western part of the state.

Now in both cases I called Washington DC because you know those are the staffers that have a lot of things immediately at their fingertips, like proposed bills.

But no one knows what this call is about. And no one has ever heard of Future Focus Dems.

And no one is still answering the phone at the Chester County Democratic Committee’s offices .

chester county and pa FAILED malinda.

This is Malinda in the summer of 2023

Malinda Hoagland. Say this poor child’s name. Remember it. She didn’t have to die. In my opinion the state, the county, the very system that was supposed to protect her, in fact failed her. Adults failed her.

How is it nothing was done to save this child? What is the deal with “Child Line” in PA? What is the deal with Children and Youth services in Chester County Pennsylvania? Why didn’t the school district also call the police? Are they not allowed to call the police? Or did they call the police? What is the point of having a system to protect kids if it doesn’t protect the kids?

Below is a statement from the woman who is the Superintendent of the Coatesville School District. Sorry, not sorry those are hollow words and it’s too little too late. Wearing blue sounds nice, but it would’ve been better if this child had actually been paid attention to and was safe, not dead.

But I can’t quite get my head wrapped around is how people do this to their own children? 

It is with an extremely heavy heart that I share with you the devastating and tragic news that one of our former students, 12-year-old Malinda Hoagland, was found dead over the weekend, a victim of inhumane abuse by her father and his girlfriend.
While this horrific news was shared in a press conference and is making headlines in the media today, the district just learned of this child’s death late this morning, and we have been working to get details, understand and process this information, and communicate with our entire school community.
Malinda Hoagland was enrolled at King’s Highway Elementary in April 2022 and continued on to Scott Middle School and then North Brandywine Middle School. Our staff diligently reported concerns about Malinda’s care to Childline, the state agency that receives and manages concerns regarding child abuse. Shortly thereafter, her family withdrew her from our schools in December 2023, and enrolled her in another cyber charter school. Her younger brother remained a student at King’s Highway. He is now in protective custody and is expected to be relocated to another county and school district.
This news shakes our entire school community, and we are deeply saddened and upset by the horrific details of the abuse this child suffered.
Counselors trained in grief and trauma support will be available at King’s Highway Elementary, Scott MS, and North Brandywine MS tomorrow for both staff and students who may need to speak with someone or want some help processing this tragedy.
I know we join collectively in mourning the life of this child. No matter the length of time a child is a student in our school district, every child matters deeply and their welfare and well-being is critically important to us. We will collaborate in the coming days on ways in which we can honor Malinda’s life as a school community and support our students as they cope with this tragic information.

With care and support for all,
Dr. Catherine Van Vooren
Superintendent, Coatesville Area School District

Wearing blue does not unring this bell. And court records show she did this BEFORE?? In Pennsylvania no less ? Monroe County?

The dockets are listed below. But before you visit dockets at the bottom, let’s visit Monroe County, PA a few years ago.

August 10, 2011 was when poor Malinda was born. There was even a birth announcement:

Malinda had TWO sets of grandparents and obviously there is family so WHY did THEY fail this child?

The ones that seem to care are two of her stepsisters or sisters :

Pocono Record January 17, 2007: Monroe Child & Youth gets support from surprising source

Monroe County Children and Youth Service’s handling of the McKinley Warren child abuse allegations has earned high praise from a frequent agency critic.

Angela and Bruce Bayer of Stroud Township have a lawsuit pending against C&Y based on allegations the county agency improperly handled a 2003 investigation involving two of the Bayer children.

But the Bayers and the board of a child advocacy organization they founded — Heads Held High — say C&Y did everything possible to protect the children of McKinley Warren.

Warren, 41, was arrested Jan. 5 and accused of torturing his 3-year-old son. His wife, Cindy Bird Warren, 28, was charged with child endangerment.

“What happened that particular day they followed to a T,” Angela Bayer said of C&Y’s handling of the case. “I know a lot of people in the public are upset. ‘Why didn’t they do something.’ They couldn’t until neighbors said they knew something was going on. Children and Youth didn’t know.”

Another Warren child, 2-year-old Jessica Marie Bock, died from head injuries in 2000 after the Warren’s brought her to Pocono Medical Center. McKinley Warren said the child tumbled out of his car and accidentally hit her head. She died in Philadelphia’s Children’s Hospital. A Philadelphia coroner ruled the death a homicide, though no criminal charges have ever been filed.

Jessica Bock’s death came about 14 months after she was returned to the Warren home after Monroe County Children and Youth placed her in foster care. State law requires families be reunited if at all possible and for children to be returned home if conditions improve.

C&Y acted again in 2003, when the three Warren children were placed in foster care for about three months. Another placement happened last year, according to court records.

Pocono Record January 21, 2009

Child-killer’s wife sentenced for endangering a child’s welfare

STROUDSBURG — Cindy Warren, 30, of East Stroudsburg, was sentenced Wednesday to three to seven years in state prison after pleading guilty to endangering the welfare of her son, Isaiah, now 5.

A concerned neighbor’s phone call led police in January 2007 to discover Isaiah had been physically abused by his father, McKinley Warren Jr., 43.

Warren in December pleaded guilty to both abusing the boy and causing a head injury that led to the December 2000 death of his daughter, Jessica Bock, 2, who was Isaiah’s half-sister. Warren was sentenced to 25 to 50 years in state prison for both crimes.

On Wednesday, Cindy Warren’s friends and brother asked Monroe County Court Judge Margherita Worthington to show leniency. They described Warren as a “kind, loving, fun” mother who herself was abused by a controlling husband and whom no one would help.

“Unless you’ve walked in Cindy’s shoes, you can never understand what she’s been through,” said her friend, Diane Silver. “Three times, she was denied a protection-from-abuse order for herself and her children.

“Whenever she called police to her home, she would always be the one who ended up being taken away in handcuffs, not her husband,” Silver said. “He knew how to twist the truth. The day she lost her children is the day her sentence started.”

Monroe County Children And Youth Services has placed the children with McKinley Warren’s relatives.

“I’ve known Cindy for 20 years,” said a tearful Natasha Eddinger, Warren’s friend. “She was a very good mother. But, when her husband was around, she had no voice. Nobody knows what she went through.”

Warren’s older brother, Raymond Coons, said, “Cindy has been a very loving person ever since she was a little girl. She’s never done anything to take away my respect for her.

“She kept calling the authorities, who did nothing, until finally it took an outsider calling for them to do anything,” Coons said. “Just being away from her husband is a good thing for her, but for her to now lose her freedom is unfair. She doesn’t deserve this.”

Stroud Area Regional Police Capt. William Parrish, who investigated both Jessica’s death and Isaiah’s abuse, struggled with tears as a parent himself when refuting certain statements made by Warren’s supporters.

“To say she did all she could to get the authorities involved is erroneous,” Parrish said. “At any time, she could have identified her husband as the one who caused her stepdaughter’s death and abused her son, but she refused to do so. Instead, she lied with her husband about how Jessica got hurt and left it to a neighbor to report Isaiah’s abuse. Whenever neighbors complained about her and her husband being drunk, loud and boisterous and we responded to their home, she would be the one who remained loud and disorderly while her husband calmed down, so she would be the one taken away,” he said.

So I would love to know how someone like this was able to be around kids after the first time she went to jail ? And “Child Line”? What do they do all day ? Of course, should we be surprised that this thing that falls under the department of human services in Pennsylvania is problematic? Look at who is at the helm – former useless Montgomery County Commissioner and gubernatorial buddy, Val Arkoosh. In Chester County, someone named Eve Large runs the department known as Children, Youth, and Families.

So I think these people running these departments have blood on their hands. Obviously, there’s something very broken about a system that seems to let kids fall through the cracks, let alone let someone who went to jail for abusive kids, access to kids ever again and of course, you have to wonder what’s wrong with this guy that he would participate in this? I wonder where the natural born mother is in all of this? I found a custody/visitation case in Monroe County that seems like it has been active since 2019:

As per The Daily Local:

Adoptive parents of the surviving older brother of child murder victim Scott “Scotty” McMillan were horrified last week to learn that another child had fallen victim to fatal physical abuse at the hands of adults in the same Chester County town and under similar circumstances as what their son endured almost 10 years ago.

“It shocks me that this abuse can happen in our county, and that schools don’t pick it up,” said the father of Scotty’s older brother, who will turn 16 later this year. “I don’t understand how this can happen.”……A preliminary hearing for both defendants has been scheduled for 9 a.m. July 8 before Magisterial District Judge J. Timothy Arndt III of Honeybrook. Hoagland is represented by defense attorney Stuart Crichton of West Chester, while Warren is represented by the Chester County Public Defender’s Office. Neither Crichton nor Public Defender Nathan Schenker would comment on the case last week.

In 2009, Warren, 45, was sentenced to three to seven years in state prison in the case of the assault on her son, who was 3 years old at the time of the incident. She was charged with endangering the welfare of a child in that 2007 case, after having escaped being charged with homicide in the earlier death of her 2 1/2-year-old stepdaughter because she cooperated with investigators against her then-husband, McKinley Warren Jr., who was later sentenced to 25-to-50 years in jail.

News of her criminal past left the father of Scotty’s brother outraged.

“Why on earth would (the county Department of Children Youth and Families) not have been more involved and why would they even allow her to have her son again after she got out of jail?” he asked.

There are no clear answers.

A spokeswoman for the county, Rebecca Brain, said officials at CYF were cooperating with the police investigation and could not comment on the matter because of confidentiality concerns.

In her statement, Brain said nCYF staff, “are working closely with law enforcement to provide support and services, as the death of Malinda Hoagland is investigated.  We remind everyone in the community to call ChildLine should they suspect or witness child abuse or neglect.

The ChildLine number, 1-800-932-0313, will be answered any time day or night.

On Wednesday, Coatesville Area School District Superintendent Catherine Van Vooren said in a written statement that the school district, where Malinda was enrolled from spring 2022 through December 2023, had had some concerns about Malinda’s welfare.

“Our staff diligently reported concerns about her welfare to the state agency that receives and manages concerns.” The superintendent then said that “shortly thereafter” Malinda withdrew from school and enrolled in a cyber charter school. The victim’s brother remained at King’s Highway Elementary School and is now “in protective custody and is expected to be relocated to another county and school district,” Van Vooren wrote.

Scotty’s brother’s mother said that abusive behavior can in some cases be hidden by the perpetrators when they isolate the child from the outside, much like Malinda’s father did by entering her in cyber school.

Authorities agreed.

In his written arrest affidavit for Hoagland and Warren, Chester County Detective Bernard Martin, who is leading the investigation, wrote that, “Warren and Hoagland secluded (the girl) from mandatory reporters and others who may have offered her assistance in order to physically abuse and torment the child and used her seclusion to facilitate their crimes on an ongoing basis over a period of several months.

“They acted in concert with the intention of terrorizing and abusing the child and continued their actions until the child’s death,” he said.

I just don’t understand it. How could NO ONE have followed up since this girl was pulled from school? I mean didn’t the school district at a minimum have an obligation to check? If they couldn’t follow-up could a social worker have gone to the house given the suspicions and the calls about issues?

This child experienced hell for a good part of her life it seems like. Why couldn’t anyone have done something? If not in Chester County what went on in Monroe County? This girl will never go to high school. She will never go to her prom or see life after high school whether it’s college or something else and she’ll never have her own family she’ll never be loved as a living being.

Wasn’t Scotty McMillan enough of a wake up call? Both of these people are monsters. Just monsters, and they deserve worse than what that little girl experienced.

And the state and county agencies who were supposed to protect are also responsible. And I also can’t help but wonder if school districts were not constantly overrun by distracting bullshit if they would have been less out of site out of mind. And cyber charter schools should have some sort of a system too shouldn’t they?

And let’s talk about these monsters, now, sitting in jail: Cindy Warren and Rendell Hoagland. If they didn’t want this child, why didn’t they just turn the child over to her birth, mother, or grandparents? Cindy already had other charges pending from 3/14/24:

Harassment – Course of Conduct W/No Legitimate Purpose
False Alarm To Agency Of Public Safety

So what are those charges about and will the attorney on that docket named Gail Nicolina Marr, Esq out of Bensalem be handling the new even more heinous charges?

I have been struggling with this post all day. And part of the reason I am struggling is because I just don’t understand how someone can do this to a child?

We need a Malinda’s Law.

Cindy Bird Warren Facebook

Rendell Hoagland Facebook

chester county government is your house in disorder?

It’s no secret I have been following the plight of Jackie Schaffer for a couple of years now.

It seems to me that people are starting to believe her, and by people I mean, law-enforcement, and more. Do you see that above? That’s a police report.

I think Chester County needs to do the right thing with this messy enchilada at this point don’t you? And do we really think that someone who is guilty of doing something wrong with keep at it, and keep talking about this until people above Chester County started paying attention?

I don’t.

It’s a wild tale of bad checks (not hers, see screenshots below), crazy trails of court dockets and so much more.

This is a mother of an adult disadvantaged son, who is dependent upon her because he can’t live by himself. So if she is fighting for her life, and that of her child. And I think that a mother will do anything to protect her child especially when something wrong is happening don’t you agree?

Deed fraud is nothing new. Except you know, they seem to act like it only happens in underserved neighborhoods in major metropolitan cities like Philadelphia.

Deed fraud happens. Period. Jackie has a Facebook group called Chester County Property Rights. Anyway, I think this is really gaining traction. 

They say where there is smoke, there is fire. She followed the smoke and I think this dumpster fire in Chester County is going to blow up sooner rather than later.

I don’t know Jackie. I hope to meet her someday and give her a big hug and shake her hand. 

Thanks for stopping by.