live at the brickette it’s wednesday night.

Come on. The signs are up. Ticketing is happening and yet there is this. COME ON BRICKETTE! I have been harassed on Facebook for writing about this but tell me, is this OK that these patrons literally don’t give a damn?

The photos received tonight are 100 and Kirkland. They came with a message:

Worse it’s been yet!

Called twice and they said they have received numerous calls.

Can’t see either way, and you have to be fully in the lane of traffic to even see.

Seriously, what does it take? I mean we all know what it will take and that’s a terrible accident that might result in not only injury but worse.

No one wants that.

This is unacceptable. The Brickette took away parking for the patio and smoker area. They need satellite parking and perhaps a shuttle. Either that, or they are over their stated occupancy because of all the parking issues but no one has ever said one way or the other what the occupancy was versus the number of parking spaces with prior owners and new owners.

And I will state for the record once again that because I point out these issues with the parking it doesn’t mean that I don’t think the Brickette should be there. And the neighbors are not saying that either.

But West Whiteland is baby sitting bar patrons. Neighbors are not being treated well. This is a problem, so Brickette are you going to step up or be put in the category of nuisance bar?

Shaking my head on this one.

when did carnivals stop being family fun?

The Exton Square Mall carnival for spring 2024 is over barely after it began. Ruined by gangs of marauding kids who also tried to wreak havoc at Round 1 Bowling and Arcade and the now creepy dying mall as well.

These kids were so bad that I am told West Whiteland PD called in an assist from other municipalities. There is also an unconfirmed report of a police officer being struck. That is horrible and UNACCEPTABLE behavior.

From last evening

Then at another carnival not so far away, a shooting. Again, teenagers.

What is wrong with this world? Fairs and carnivals are for fun, making happy memories and now they are becoming obsolete because of crime.

The Exton carnival had it’s permit revoked – the carnival is canceled. If you know something, saw something, please let the police know. Also if you have photos or videos, they also would be helpful.


live at the brickette…paid parking!

I got a really funny message this morning:

Paid parking outside the brickette now, must be expensive!

~ happy neighbor of the Brickette Lounge

So West Whiteland, thank you. The neighbors are appreciative of any efforts to give them their neighborhood back.

Of course the Brickette could help fix this problem too by getting a satellite parking lot and shuttle, right?

conduct unbecoming in west whiteland township….on the historic commission no less.

So the other night was a meeting of the West Whiteland historic commission. (Zoom link HERE.)

On the April 8th, 2024 agenda is this planned development that will literally destroy a small neighborhood on Old Phoenixville Pike . It is the plan for the 20 Schiffer Farm acres that are 15 in West Whiteland and 5 in East Goshen. It’s on their agenda because there’s a historic asset being discussed.

Discussing the historic asset is in the purview of the West Whiteland historic commission. The chair opining obnoxiously about the neighbors is definitely not.

Again, here is the ZOOM LINK.

At around the 32:00 minute meeting mark, this man calls concerned neighbors “whiners” and denigrates and mocks them. At around 38:20 minute mark again mocking residents about not having them pick a street name. Boaty McBoat face? I have to ask is that code for he’s an asshat ?

I don’t know this guy. But if that’s the attitude he takes about the residents and he’s in a volunteer appointed position serving a municipality, perhaps he should step down, because if this isn’t a clear-cut example of conduct unbecoming in an elected or appointed official, and he’s an appointed official I don’t know what is, do you?

Audio segment showing jerky boy behavior beginning at 3:04 or so…just press play.

Of course, this meeting was very interesting to me because other things fell into place. I noticed on the corner of the plans being shown to the township, the name of the engineering firm.

And I wonder, is it just coincidence that this is the same engineering firm where I had to block someone on LinkedIn for comments on my timeline since I started talking about development here and off West King Road? It was kind of obnoxious comments and mansplaining that I had chosen to ignore on things I had posted or shared until today when I decided I didn’t invite this man, so I blocked him.

As an amusing also maybe related fact, I’ve had at least three other people from Howell Engineering studying me. LinkedIn tells you who has been playing peek a boo. I just never knew this was in the job category of engineers? I wonder if they are the ones that showed up at my friend’s back deck incorrectly surveying his property as part of Schiffer farm a couple months ago maybe?

So it’s painfully obvious that this whole situation concerning those poor beleaguered residents and their lovely neighborhood on Old Phoenixville Pike is just going to be ugly until it’s settled.

But the guy from the historic commission, and it sounds like the guy who basically started the meeting who research indicates is the chair, was out of line. His job is history. His job is not opining on what kind of a development this is and how it will affect or not affect the neighbors and it begs the question is this guy a realtor? If so, when he’s sitting on the historic commission in West Whiteland, he needs to take his realtor had off and leave only his history hat on. And if he can’t be polite and professional, when referring to residents in the township he is supposed to be serving then he needs to sit down, shut up, and get off any commissions in West Whiteland, doesn’t he?

I personally find this recording of this meeting beyond disappointing. And the reason I say that is, this is a historic commission that until this point, I actually held in high regard. They seemed much more proactive than a lot of other historic commissions, and they’ve done some really good work. BUT for all the good work they do, any member being obnoxious about the residents they are supposed to be serving to the best of their volunteer ability takes it all away.

This guy needs to apologize to those neighbors. He’s not in their shoes, he has no idea how they feel and if he can only mock fellow residents then he should step down from the historic commission.

As a matter of fact, officials at West Whiteland Township need to look into that. This is not acceptable behavior. He can say it’s a joke, but this is where these people live. Essentially, if this development gets built, it will destroy this entire neighborhood. People will potentially lose equity in their homes when a development comes rolling through their teeny weenie, narrow street.

The residents in this neighborhood on Old Phoenixville Pike, and the neighboring streets love where they live. They are fighting for their survival and rights much like other small neighborhoods all over.

This whole thing is very uncomfortable, especially for the people who will be most directly impacted. And it’s really disheartening when as residents they are just starting to go to meetings in some cases for the first time ever since they moved into the township to learn about what their rights are, and what this plan will do and how they will be impacted, and then they’re basically put down by this guy on the historic commission.

And what made it even worse is there’s a supervisor who is the liaison to the historic commission. This supervisor should have politely corrected him about not mocking residents who are also HER constituents. I did not hear her say anything in defense of those poor residents.

The strange tale of development behind Old Phoenixville Pike continues.

Thanks for stopping by.

about old phoenixville pike and the development plan

Today 4/3/24

Last night there was a meeting of the West Whiteland Planning Commission. It was the first go round for the proposed development plan.

First of all who would’ve thought that the West Chester University Foundation would be practicing to be a bad neighbor, now that they have been given the Schiffer Farm? It’s very disappointing. Truthfully, also a little surprised the Schiffer family didn’t put more conservation restrictions on the gift. I mean, I get that probably the foundation doesn’t want to be responsible for this entire property, but this one section is so constricted by where it is and problematic before you think about adding houses to it that I just don’t get it.

Before I get to sharing some things, I think people will find interesting or helpful, I’m going to share a video from this afternoon showing rising storm water on Old Phoenixville Pike. Next is a photo with a ruler sticking out of it, indicating 8 inches of flood water on this narrow street this afternoon.

This plan has two parcels in two municipalities. 15 of the acres of this potential development are in West Whiteland. 5 acres are in East Goshen and East Goshen heard the plan recently.

Last night the whole thing got an airing in West Whiteland. [CLICK HERE FOR MEETING PACKET.]

I found it most interesting that the Chester County Planning Commission isn’t in love with this plan. and why I find that interesting is they are so pro development, so that speaks volumes about this plan already.

So here are some of their concerns:

Notes from County Planning Commission:

In #1 “enhancements in affordability” . It doesn’t sound like this development will do that.

In #2 highest priority, land-use objectives listed for this watershed.

In #3 pipeline concerns during construction listed

In #4 access concerns, because only one way in and out

In #7 limit tree removal from woodlands

In #8 stricter DEP or municipal limitations on wastewater and stormwater discharge because protected watershed  

So last evening, the neighbors were tremendous. They spoke so well, and from the heart and intelligent questions, and stated their case. One of the things that kept questioning is this easement where developer wants to build, and it shows up on the West Whiteland as naturally constrained land, The thing about that is, it’s not supposed to be developed. And it floods back there as you can see, so imagine, increasing impervious surface coverage, taking away trees, etc? Do we really think some stormwater management plan that are developer floats in front of the municipality is going to take care of all of it? I don’t think so and maybe that’s just my opinion, but I’m entitled to it.

When is the last time FEMA updated maps around there? Or the vicinity?

I am just here expressing support for these neighbors in West Whiteland on Old Phoenixville Pike and elsewhere around this proposed plan being carved out of now old Schiffer farm land.

This is not a needed plan, it’s just a plan for a developer to make a buck and move on, isn’t it?

Small neighborhoods should not be taken for granted anywhere, ever. These neighbors have been taken for granted already by what has happened so far.

Look at the geology of the area with the schist and karst of it all in our area – affects pipelines, wells, water lines so what will happen with what they want to do if they get this development approved?

Stormwater is already an issue here. Neighbors were saying at the meeting how water also pours off of Route 202. How will filling up 20 acres with McMansions improve that?

Economically viable uses might be the law BUT it doesn’t mean development here will actually be viable. Why do residents in a small, lovely, established neighborhood have to suffer like this? Are they not valuable and in a lot of cases very long term residents?

West Whiteland can be proactive here and could have a sign up for directly affected residents to be notified of every little thing happening because it happened where I came from which is Lower Merion Township.

And because this plan is in two municipalities residents need to watch everything going on in BOTH West Whiteland and East Goshen.

This is not a good plan and the developer also has warehouses planned for the Johnson Matthey parcel that he purchased at West King Road and Phoenixville Pike. And the Weston Property on West King Road may be quiet right now but it is only a question of when the next bad development plan for that property pops up, right?

West Whiteland and her residents and residents in neighboring municipalities of East Whiteland, East Goshen, and West Goshen need to remain vigilant and on alert.

Last night no plan was approved in West Whiteland and nothing has been approved in East Goshen. This is but the beginning, and people need to stay on top of it.

Thanks for stopping by.

more deterioration at joseph price house

Someone sent me a photo today that I have cropped in so you can see the additional damage going on to the poor historic Joseph Price house located on South Whitford and Clover Mill Road in Exton, West Whiteland.

I don’t understand the absentee landlords of this historic property because I know there has been interest in people buying it for restoration and they just keep hanging onto it and letting it fall apart.

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got I just wanted people to see that it’s continuing to be a demolition by neglect situation.

buckle up

Buckle up, West Whiteland, and neighboring East Whiteland. You know this won’t be good.

What will this be? Who knows in the end, but whatever it will be, will probably be scrubbed of any vegetation or trees, and probably will be unsuitable for the area.

Our communities are worth more than crappy residential and industrial development. And this location is land that Johnson Matthey sold. Johnson Matthey was at one point in time also the successor owner to toxic Bishop Tube. So here’s hoping that this land is not also toxic, right?

This is a developer who doesn’t care about communities. He cares about his profit margins. And this is the developer that bought that hideous development at Ship Road and Route 30 in West Whiteland, which also means that we have him to thank for the Ship Road Couplet.

So now it seems that a lot of developers are hitting the pause button on residential development but they’re not necessarily hitting it on industrial development and it’s like warehouses are the new condo.

I guess there are no more apartments to build in West Chester Borough so he’s branching out?


live at the brickette on saturday night…

This came over alerts last night in West Whiteland. The location was the Brickette.

Here is a photo from last night:

Once again caused by the parking issues. People parking illegally keep going into this pit-like area right along the bar’s frontage on 100 / Old Pottstown Pike and turns the corner onto Kirkland.

This is where this “pit” is and the patrons -I don’t want to be offensive and call them drunks – seem to be tumbling cars into. Another resident sent this additional photo was taken after the last time we had snow so it’s fairly recent.

So apparently this “pit” has to do with stormwater management.

See an “after” photo and close-up today:

So the patrons of the Brickette also apparently are trashing the property of the place that they are patronizing?

And why is this happening?

Insufficient parking.

Again, no one wants this business to be deprived of success but they have to address this.

Eyewitness reports from last evening tell me the bar was so crowded that there were many, many cars parked on Route 100 and all over Kirkland Ave.

So again questions must be asked about capacity inside, correct? If they are over capacity and there is a fire or something how old these parking issues impede first responders, and also to be asked is if it’s over capacity inside and God forbid there is some sort of a fire or incident what happens inside with the patrons?

The Brickette had a post up on their socials about their sign taking a tumble in the wind February 29. What would’ve happened if one of the patrons was next to it? I will note that what they put up on their socials clearly shows how close cars are to where people are illegally parking on 100.

Anyway, I am sure my writing about this again will bring yet more comments saying I’m being mean and unfair to the business. But I’m not being unfair to the business. They just need to deal with their parking issues. No one begrudges them their success but with their success comes responsibility, right ? It’s pretty simple.

Hope you are all enjoying the lovely weather.

live at the brickette on a monday night…unbelievable.

Un-freaking-believable. Just wrote about the Brickette on Route 100 Old Pottstown Pike in West Whiteland. I have lit up the photo slightly so readers can see.

Here is the original photo I was sent at 8:00 PM on the nose. Those are a bunch of cars, not just a couple.

Look at the fog settling in.

This is patently irresponsible of the Brickette Lounge. They are putting patrons at risk. It’s selfish fuckery and yes I just said that out loud.

That’s all I have got. Shame on the Brickette. They could have satellite parking and a shuttle for overflow. They could do ticketed nights to control capacity. But the management and ownership seem to not be able to do this and why? So truly disappointing.

Also, and related, some long time line dancing folks who have been dancing there since it was the original Brickette have all stopped going. Now these are people who love line dancing, so I inquired as to why. Especially since they were so sad when the original Brickette closed and so happy when it was initially re-opening.

And I was told that not only is there no place to park in the parking lot, there are limited seats inside and they said after you dance for a while you’d like to sit down and watch the dancing and you can’t or if you do get a seat, can we call it? The boozy college student kind of crowd kind of takes over and takes your seat? So does that fit with the profile of the two other bars this company owns in the Borough of West Chester?

Maybe I am unusual, but I was never even a big fan of how crowded the old Rat used to get back in the day.

Anyway, that’s it. Bad bar neighbors are very unattractive. And it doesn’t matter whom they are catering to.

things that make me curious

I’ve written about the Brickette Lounge twice now. Probably three times if you count when I merely shared the article about it coming back after being closed and then sold on my blog’s Facebook page.

I was glad it was getting a second lease on life initially, because it had been such a community favorite over time. A place like that is not ever going to be my jam because it’s line dancing, which has never interested me. Sometimes I like country music and Americana Roots music, but the whole honky tonk in the land of Yankees? I am completely ambivalent.

The old Brickette coexisted with the neighbors. The new Brickette isn’t so much. I know nothing about the owners or staff and the barbecue they serve isn’t bad, but not as good as Farm Boy BBQ, but no one is and that’s just my opinion. Not a criticism.

However, where I am criticizing the Brickette and the bar people who own it has to do with the parking. And it’s not just a couple of cars of overflow it is a LOT of overflow, taking over a residential neighborhood and parking on Route 100 like it’s a side street and it’s not.

This parking problem is dangerous. And it also lends itself to a conversation about occupancy levels inside the building doesn’t it?

I suggested while writing about this, that maybe if they did ticketed events it would help with the parking and therefore occupancy issues, right? Because when you create a ticket event, it’s basically like a cover charge. And you also get a count. It’s not a bad thing. Just like it’s also not a bad thing that it was suggested to the Brickette that they rent a satellite parking lot for these very crowded evenings and have a little shuttle bus.

In the meantime, West Whiteland Township is proceeding with no parking signs and parking restrictions as per the meeting last evening.

Some people have been kind of obnoxious about the neighbors expressing their concerns. And now people are getting obnoxious about me writing about this. Someone rolled up today with a few comments allow me to share the screenshots.

These comments make me curious.

Gosh, she was fun, right? I leave my comments open because I like normal discourse. not pound on me I am a horrible person for having an opinion different from theirs discourse. And when people come in guns a blazing like this, you think to yourself, they’re not necessarily just a customer but maybe they have some affiliation with the actual establishment and or the ownership group right? Well that’s what I wonder about here.

But it’s funny, my new pen pal goes from thinking it’s “weird“ that I write about this too. I’m a bad writer. And when you hit a nerve with someone you can always go to the bank on the fact that they will say you’re a bad writer.

And also, it is not elitist in the least to say if you can’t afford to go out, don’t. It’s life and simple economics.

And do I have resentment about the Brickette? That doesn’t even make sense because I really don’t care about the bar, I care about the neighborhood around the bar.

Then this woman says my writing about this is “unproductive.” It’s just something I’ve decided to write about because I see a problem happening with the neighbors, and the neighbors deserve more of a voice. It’s that simple. It’s not about trying to shut the Brickette down, they just need to be decent to their residential neighbors. Dealing effectively with their parking problems will accomplish that.

So actually the Brickette does have control over their parking lot. And no they can’t magically make the land footprint bigger, but I also wonder if it is possible to rearrange the parking lot so you get more parking spaces in there?

The whole point writing about this is the neighbors have rights too. They don’t want their bar neighbor to not have success, but they reserve the right to not be happy to find drunk people on their lawns, eating McDonald’s, and parking everywhere and on Old Route 100 making it dangerous to exit the neighborhood onto Old Route 100.

So there we have it. Enjoy your afternoon.