the end of 2023

Well here we are. 2023 is about to become a memory. 2024 is knocking at our doors. 

Time flies. 

Life happens while you are making other plans.

Auld lang syne.

This is the year I turn 60. That is almost inconceivable to me. Women aren’t supposed to admit their age. But why? Why can’t we be honest and embrace it?

So am I now old enough to admit I really don’t give a damn about New Year’s Eve parties?

I came across this poem of Jeff Buckley’ today’s. I don’t quite know what to make of it, but here it is:

Like a lot of his music, it’s kind of abstract. But in this disjointed world in which we now live but he will never know, does it fit? Not sure. Like I said not sure what to make of it. (But then again I could never decide if I liked his music or not, although I once knew people who were *obsessed* with it.)

What will 2024 bring us? Will we all be living the fractured fairy tail that is the USA? Probably since we are going into another rather depressing Presidential election cycle. And no one has put the National Grifter in jail. It’s like those who could deal with him are all claiming to be a little bit preggers here. 

All we need to ever remember is January 6th, 2021. And if people vote for him again and his greed and political bullshit aren’t dismantled and put away for good, Americans will get what America couldn’t come together and deal with productively. It’s all great if people posture one way or the other all over social media, but if people don’t get out and vote him down?

I predict this will be once again the lesser of two evils election come the fall of 2024. That’s a shitty way to be governed don’t you think?

And Chester County Democratic Committee? Kindly cut the crap and ditch Grandma Charlotte and current leadership early in 2024. If you don’t, it’s not a question of if but when you all will ruin what you worked so hard to achieve. 

And Chester County Republican Committee? Quit pandering to extremism groups and saying you aren’t. It’s kind of like gun sale raffle tickets on election day, or very obvious. And background check your candidates, even for school board unless you will love you some more fake “professors”, for example? Or how about ditching the perpetual no-win candidates who seem to run for everything, not do their own campaign work, and drive the campaigns of your few good candidates crazy? You actually had some good candidates who suffered because of your less than stellar candidates. 

My ultimate wish for politics? Not whomever gets all of the toys wins, but balance. Our country was founded on balance and a two party system. Once again I will remark how the politics of extremism is ruining quite a bit, even basic interpersonal relationships. I have been saying this for a few years, and oh the criticism I receive. Whatever. I still think I am correct.

Chester County Municipalities in 2024? All I wish for is more “sunshine” and transparency, far less development, and more historic preservation.

Ahh social media, what will you bring us in 2024? In 2023 you bought me a self-branded public figure who decided to complain to the police about this blog, although I did truly nothing except mock a public figure and offer my opinion. And when you self proclaim you are a local celebrity and public figure? I just don’t know. Or the guy with the penchant for writing on campaign signs, and a what else do you call it other than a mail order bride 40 years his junior and a penchant for odd public Tik Tok video things only no one is supposed to ever say anything?

2023 brought us extremist groups in full flower and suburban mothers wearing gas masks and holding dead baby signs, bibles, and book banning lists at school board meetings. And the oracles of extremism they follow? Well there’s the story of the ménages à trois Moms for Liberty Co-Founder in Florida, and closer to home in Bucks County, a dark money supported former GOP candidate for Pennsylvania’s lieutenant governor who was also involved in a political action committee that claimed liberals were “indoctrinating” students is facing charges for and underage drinking party and assaulting a kid so these are their examples of greatness?

As we exit 2023 we can but marvel at so much the past 12 months?

From faux boutique owners that didn’t pay their Main Line bills, to running a century old furniture business into the ground through greed and chicanery, to wondering if tumbleweeds will fit in over at the old Pete’s Produce in Westtown, to living in fear over Danelo Cavalcante at large, to the craziness of Chester County politics (like raffle tickets for guns on election day poll tables) from both sides of the aisle (you can run for office as a Democrat in a primary but only if pre-ordained), it’s amazing we are all still standing isn’t it? And wait we didn’t even get to all of the development did we?

And social media, you’ve been exceptionally special all 2023. Yesterday I read a post by a woman in a social media group that struck me as raw and honest and describing the behavior of people that no one should aspire to and yet so many didn’t get it or wanted to tell her how she should feel:

EDITED: It’s not about new money, old money, or no money at all. The crux of the matter is discrimination, irrespective of one’s financial background. Focusing on creating an environment free from bias and treating everyone with dignity is the essence of this conversation.

So, my husband’s been cruising along in his career, and my business is holding its own too. Life’s comfy, but stepping into those fancy boutiques on the Main Line can throw a curveball.

It’s like I’ve got my own fan club following me around, especially when I just want to try on a pair of shoes. One shoe at a time, the other under lock and key – it’s almost like I’m on a secret mission. And the “Can I help you?” questions never quit, even when I’m broadcasting the “I’m good” vibes.

Supporting local businesses is a vibe I’m all for, but it gets tricky when you feel like you’re a fish out of water. Sometimes, I find myself hitting up big box stores just to dodge the whole vibe.

Here’s the kicker: recently, I’m trying on some clothes, and the salesperson pops the question, “Where are you from?” I say Malvern, and they hit me with a “No, I meant, like, what are you?” It’s moments like these that make you wonder if everyone’s just reading from a different script.

It’s not about expecting red carpet treatment because of success – it’s about wanting a fair shake. Sharing stories like this, maybe we can nudge things toward a more equal and inclusive shopping scene. Ever had one of those moments where you just wanted fair treatment, no strings attached?

I totally get where this woman is coming from. If you have experienced anything like this it is just sort of surreal no matter what the reason. And again, so many of the people who responded didn’t actually even get what she was saying. I got it. And I say that as a middle aged white woman who grew up on the Main Line. When you experience these special people, it leaves a spot. It’s just a terrible feeling before anyone dissects it to anything else.

One experience I had that was unpleasant was an antique/resale store in Wayne. I had been at Penn Medicine in Radnor having undergone a Mohs surgery for squamous cell skin cancer on my cheek. That meant, yes I had a small diagonal bandage on my left cheek. Squamous cell is in between basal cell and melanoma for those who are curious. So I was dressed down, not wearing rags and nice but not flashy jewelry and a nice handbag.

Ever since breast cancer, when I have a successful cancer procedure (and now there have been a few) I get myself a treat. I parked and went into the store. I was the ONLY customer with 3 or 4 sales women behind the desk. I wandered around for at least 20 minutes. All of those women knew I was there. They literally stared at me. I smiled at them. Not one said “hello” or “if we can help, let us know.” Nothing. I saw one thing that interested me, I said “excuse me, can you help me?” None of those women looked up. I left and have never been back.

Another true tale is years ago I worked at a now defunct plant nursery. The owner was a chain smoking, socially ambitious and wincingly unpleasant widow of the original owner. Let’s start with if someone she thought was a single man came into the business and they looked like they had a coin or two, because I was single I would literally get sent to the warehouse so she could have her single daughter wait on them. It was like warped Cinderella. It didn’t bother me, just made me laugh.

But what didn’t make me laugh back then there was the way they often treated this very, very old lady who would drive up in this ancient beast of a station wagon. Her clothes were neat and clean but threadbare. They were miserable to her, almost rude. Condescending. To them she didn’t look the part of the Main Line. She was just a little old lady who still liked flowers and plants sometimes. I liked this old lady named Miss Collins and I didn’t even know who she was or all the great things she had accomplished in her life until one day, many many years later, I read her obituary. 

Miss Collins, also known as Margaret Hill Collins was instrumental in getting Fair Housing laws in the suburban Philadelphia area as well as being a birthright Quaker from a very old Philadelphia family. She also worked tirelessly towards race relations. She went to the U.S. Supreme Court and won in 1973. She was from an old Philadelphia and Main Line family that would mean nothing to new settlers of the Main Line today, but her family property is today part of Bryn Mawr College. Swarthmore, Haverford and Bryn Mawr Colleges maintain her papers.

Back to social media. Social media seems to rule too many lives. We are all guilty of spending too much time on it sometimes. As a blogger, I am often caught in the swirling black hearted vortex of it all, usually because someone somewhere has decided I am an evil horrible person who should only regurgitate unicorns farting rainbows. Lordy, that sounds like it would be exhausting, so I opt for just being me. Undoubtedly in 2024 I will continue to be amused by the people who seem so obsessed over what one woman (me) thinks. I am not anything other than an ordinary woman. Might I suggest gardening for what ails them?

2023 has been a year that has been trying to many on personal levels. It seems like all of us experienced loss this year. The cycle of life has it’s ups and downs, it’s all how you muddle through it. Some days it is just that: muddling through and you know what? It’s ok. 

I never have pretended to be a perfect person, or to have led a perfect life. I am, at the end of every day, always just myself. I know I am lucky to be able to be just me. I am lucky to love an be loved. I am fortunate in family, friends, and a loving life partner in my husband who was rather late to dinner Saturday evening because at the end of the day he helped a man whose name he didn’t even learn, get his car started so he could get home to his pregnant wife in Massachusetts.

For 2024, I wish people peace. I wish people good health. And I actually wish people love. The ability to love, be loved, and love themselves. I wish for less phony bullshit. And for God’s sake get off of social media once in a while, and learn the actual history of where you call home.

Happy New Year’s Eve and cheers to 2024.

the 12 days of christmas are not due to modern marketing….they’ve existed for centuries….

Happy Fourth Day of Christmas. Kindly note the Twelve Days of Christmas are not a new concept. They started in 567 with the Coucil of Tours. It was originally designed to bridge the gap between the two ways Christmas observances were celebrated. Eastern rite and Western rite.

Why? Because if you celebrate normal Western rite, you celebrate on Christmas Day or December 25. If you celebrate Eastern rite rite you celebrate or celebrate in addition on the 12th day of Christmas, or Epiphany.

So this is not a new concept that self- baptized lifestyle and style gurus can claim credit on.

There are actual historical facts behind this.

And most people I know keep their Christmas trees up until Epiphany.


The 12 days of Christmas. Also, from a practical standpoint, you put all this work into Christmas decorations you might as well look at them until you feel like the nutcrackers, elves, and Santas are staring back at you from the bookshelves. I’m speaking from personal experience here.

A funny story in my family was the year my father didn’t take the tree down till close to Valentine’s Day. My father was very particular with his Christmas trees. For example, they could only be silver and gold and certain kinds of ornaments, which is probably why my Christmas trees are kind of a riot of color. Daddy would put the ornaments up every year in a certain order and you could never go out of order or there might be an Italian Christmas temper tantrum. It was pretty funny, but he loved his Christmas tree. However, you could only also put the ornaments away in a certain order so it was hard to be helpful and he wanted to do it himself only one year it didn’t happen until close to Valentine’s Day!

And another funny story were when friends of mine were single girls, and the tree didn’t come down until probably closer to March and they were in an apartment. I don’t know why this happened but it was a live tree when it was first put up and a very dead tree with brown needles when it came down. And apparently there were things involved like changing the ribbons on the tree for Valentine’s Day. By the time they took the tree down, it was like Miss Havisham from Dickens’ Great Expectations had moved in.

Now I do know people that as soon as December 26 rolls around and boom all those decorations come down. But also for me and my family today, my stepfather is British so we do Boxing Day some years if people are around. And friends of my parents when my father was alive always had Boxing Day parties.

So Christmas being a season isn’t a new concept. It’s a traditional Christian concept and perhaps modern marketing has steeped its new philosophies in that but I don’t really know.

Now I don’t live in medieval times, I live in the real world, and if I did something separate for all 12 days of Christmas, my husband might lose his mind. He’s already pretty good-natured when Christmas takes over the entire house.

The 12 days of Christmas also our feast days for different saints. I’m not going to go into all of them. You can look them up on the Internet and there’s this website called Why Christmas that lays it out easily.

Now Twelfth Night parties used to be a really big deal. You would hear about those in the Times of Henry VII of England, for example. Complete with Christmas cake, and a Lord of Misrule and role reversals between servants and masters. Ironically, these celebrations go back to Roman times, and more pagan origins.

What started me on this? A lifestyle person’s self-marketing videos honestly. And there was this whole thing about the third day of Christmas and they were serving Affogato.

Affogato is a simple Italian dessert of Espresso and ice cream. But now some are saying make it with red wine. Well to me that’s a nonstarter. But in all fairness, I am allergic to red wine so I would never serve this in 1 million month of Sundays.

The recipe this person used was basically an ice cream sundae with red wine poured over it. You can find it from two years ago on a website called We Are Not Martha. If I did drink red wine, I would wonder why I would want to do this to wine or ice cream.

Another person who did this a couple of years ago was Giada DeLaurentis. Her recipe to me actually had more merit because she essentially made a holiday mulled wine and put it over vanilla ice cream. However, the reviews I read on this are mixed. Marie Claire Magazine wrote about it as a summer dessert in 2016.

Sadly, to me it seems like a waste of both wine and ice cream. I could see this dessert made for Christmas by adding whatever you would add to an alcoholic coffee along with the espresso to the ice cream, but not wine. To each their own. I’m kind of a purist when it comes to these things just like I think a cheeseboard is the only kind of board you need to have. Not butter or dessert or anything else.

And the thing I love about Christmas are the traditional dishes that go with the Christmas season. Sometimes you don’t need to dress them up, they are what they are. You can do a Yule Log or Bûche De Noël. I have friends who do make those and they’re absolutely gorgeous, but I remember the days of Walter’s Swiss Pastry in Bryn Mawr and Viking Pastries in Ardmore. Walter’s Bûche De Noël were the best, but Viking’s were good as well. I am a baker, but I do not have the skill set for these so when I want one, I ordered them from the Master‘s Baker in West Chester. We were a very small Christmas gathering this year so I didn’t order one and just served my own Christmas cookies after dinner, but are photos of two I have had over recent years from them:

Other years, I have served a white fruit cake that I make with Courvoisier. And yes, my cake is not used as a doorstop people actually really like it. Here is the base recipe from a few different vintage cookbooks :

So yes, I am kind of a traditionalist when it comes to certain Christmas things. It’s like I do use linens and china and fun often vintage wine and other glasses. I actually try to use my vintage and antique china whenever I can and as many people know my every day is vintage Fiesta ware because it just makes me smile. And my mother has always encouraged me to use the stuff I have because she said rightfully, so what are you saving it for? Use it it’s meant to be used.

Yes, it takes a little extra time to clean up when you use good plates but it sets a nice table. And people say they don’t want to use good things when it’s the holidays because of kids, but I don’t know since we all grew up with our parents using real china and glassware and linens and everything survived and a lot of it got passed on? And other people I know don’t want to use it because they think it’s too much time to clean up and it’s really not. It’s just a routine.

It’s like Christmas trees. We all have our routines based upon family traditions. I have a main tree in the living room and two little trees in bedrooms and they make me happy.

When I’m getting out my old ornaments and the ornaments that people have given me over the years at Christmas it makes me smile with a happy memory when I open up the boxes. I will admit when I use my father’s ornaments sometimes I get a little teary-eyed but that’s because he loved Christmas and they remind me of him and then I laugh because he had his decorations routine.

I am a crazy collector of vintage ornaments. And then there are the ornaments my friends have given me. I love them all, and I wish I could use them all every year, but I can’t. So I cycle my ornaments around. Some ornaments always come out like the little Peter Rabbit from my parents’ first Christmas tree I guess circa 1961.

Other Christmas things I love are Christmas books. I always have. I also have to cycle those around. I have some different ones out this year but here are photos of some others I have:

The Twelve Days of Christmas are a lovely song and a centuries old tradition with deep roots. Live and love your Christmas joy but please don’t turn your wine into a fake sundae. And check out PNC’s index on what the 12 days of Christmas now cost. They have been doing this for 40 years. The brain behind this for many years belongs to the former wife of someone I knew years and years ago. However I still think PNC is a crappy bank.

Enjoy the rest of the magical days of Christmas!

chianti, clarice?

Ahhhh the sweet smell of hypocrisy and Jesús take the wheel (because someone has to.)

This morning PoliticsPA got me on a post on Twitter. I read and stopped. And thought no way these Klanned Karenhood types couldn’t be so stupid. Then I clicked.


Bucks County mom behind conservative school movement charged with assault, giving teens alcohol

Chris Ullery Bethany Rodgers

USA TODAY NETWORK December 28, 2023

A former Pennsylvania lieutenant governor candidate and outspoken voice in the conservative “parental rights” school movement has been charged with punching a teenager while hosting an underage drinking party at her Bucks County home in September. 

Clarice Schillinger, 36, is facing criminal charges of assault, harassment and furnishing minors with alcohol during her daughter’s birthday party, according to the case filed in late October. Her attorney has denied all charges and said she will fight them in court.

Clarice Schillinger, a former Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor and a founder of a PAC favoring conservative school board candidates, faces multiple charges in Bucks County for allegedly providing alcohol to minors.

Schillinger made an unsuccessful run for lieutenant governor as a Republican last year and has played an instrumental role in a political action committee that has poured more than $800,000 into Pennsylvania school district races since 2021. The PAC has focused on supporting school board candidates who opposed COVID-19 lockdowns and argue left-wing ideologies are invading the education system.

In the recent criminal case, Schillinger is accused of punching a partygoer several times in the face during a series of alleged outbursts by drunken adults at her home on Liz Circle in Doylestown, according to an affidavit of probable cause.

The documents state that during the event — which started Sept. 29 and went past midnight — Schillinger’s then-boyfriend allegedly grabbed a 16-year-old by the neck for intervening in a fight between the couple and hit a 15-year-old in the face during an argument over football. According to the allegations in court papers, her intoxicated mother also punched the older teen in the eye and chased him around the kitchen island. Police said they had cellphone recordings of some of these reported events.

To escape the unruly adults, several minors started making their way out of the home, even as Schillinger ordered them to stay, court documents allege.

Cellphone footage showed that as the teens gathered in the foyer Schillinger lunged toward one partygoer before others began restraining her. That individual told police Schillinger struck him three times with a closed fist but that he wasn’t injured, according to the affidavit. 

Schillinger had been throwing a 17th birthday party for her daughter that night, hosting about 20 teens in her basement, where there was a bar stocked with New Amsterdam vodka and Malibu Bay Breeze rum, police wrote in the affidavit. In addition to supplying the underage group with alcohol, she allegedly poured liquor for the teens, asked them to take a shot with her and played beer pong with them, witnesses later told authorities.

State law makes it illegal to serve or allow minors to drink alcohol.

One of the teen’s parents called police early the morning of Sept. 30 to report the assaults and the underage drinking at Schillinger’s home. Investigators interviewed multiple teens who had attended the party, the affidavit states. 

This wasn’t the first time police visited Schillinger’s home — which she’s been renting since the spring — for reports of an underage party, according to court documents.

Emergency dispatch data provided by the Bucks County Emergency Service Division logged at least four different calls at the address.

Buckingham Township police responded to a noise complaint call and possible underage party at Schillinger’s home on Sept. 24, the weekend before the birthday party, according to 911 data and court records.

Police reported in one affidavit spotting a number of beer cans strewn around the property and street that night. They also saw about 20 teens dart into the home and, when they tried speaking with Schillinger, found her to be “intoxicated and uncooperative,” the affidavit states. 

Authorities responded to another noise complaint at Schillinger’s home involving “intoxicated subjects” just after midnight on Sept. 29, though an affidavit says police only made contact with Schillinger’s then-boyfriend, Shan Wilson, that night.

Schillinger is scheduled for a late January preliminary hearing. Her mother, Danette Bert, and Wilson were charged with assault and harassment in connection with the party, but those charges were withdrawn when they pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in early December, court records show. 

Now Clairice as we know is part of the witch hunts in public schools, and they can call themselves what the want, they are all Klanned Karenhood on their bus. And she’s a buddy of Beth Ann Rosica of West Chester. And they have a podcast…or HAD. It seems to have died. (Well there is another Moms in the Middle Podcast, so who knows?) Will Beth Ann be on her defense team?

Now that is definitely special and well how does podcast buddy Beth Ann feel about this news today I wonder? How does anyone feel?

Here is this woman tell all of us how she feels education should be with dark money behind her and there is this news?

Hypocritical much? (Complete docket to date is next)

This is like the Florida news with the head of the Florida GOP and co-founder of Moms for Liberty and their ménage à trois and sexual assault issues, isn’t it?

Florida GOP Chair Christian Ziegler, husband of Moms for Liberty cofounder, accused of sexual assault by alleged menage a trois lover
by Bob Norman | Nov 30, 2023 | Featured News

Christian Ziegler, Florida’s GOP chairman and husband of Sarasota County School Board member and Moms for Liberty co-founder Bridget Ziegler, is under criminal investigation after a woman filed a complaint with the Sarasota Police Department alleging the longtime Republican official had raped her, according to a heavily redacted police report obtained by the Florida Trident

The complaint was filed on October 4 and the alleged sexual battery occurred inside the woman’s home in Sarasota on October 2, according to the report. Among the few words that went unredacted in the report are “rape” and “sexual assault complaint.”

[UPDATE, Dec 1: Both the woman and Bridget Ziegler independently told police they had engaged with Christian Ziegler in a three-way sexual encounter more than a year before the incident, according to a search warrant in the case released late Friday. Bridget Ziegler was expected to show up at the victim’s home for a threesome planned on the day of the incident, according to police, but was unable to make it.]

The incident under investigation by Sarasota police occurred when Christian Ziegler and the woman were alone at the woman’s house, without Bridget Ziegler present, the sources conveyed. …The Zieglers are one of Florida’s top political power couples in the GOP. Christian Ziegler is a longtime Republican Party official who served as vice chairman of the state party prior to his election as chair in February. Prior to that he was a Sarasota County Commissioner who ran on a “family values” platform. 

Bridget Ziegler has become a star within the MAGA movement who was personally endorsed for her school board seat by Florida Governor and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, who also appointed her in March to the state board that oversees the special district previously overseen by Disney World prior to DeSantis’s politically motivated feud with the entertainment company. 

She is perhaps best known as the cofounder of the right-wing group Moms for Liberty, which has supported book bans in public schools across the country. Bridget Ziegler personally helped lay the groundwork for DeSantis’ Florida Parental Rights In Education Act (known as the “Don’t Say Gay” law) that disallows instruction on “sexual orientation or gender identity” in kindergarten through the third grade. She stood behind DeSantis as he signed the bill.

Following in the Moms For Liberty model, Ziegler has been a leading anti-trans activist and “critical race theory” opponent who has said her aim is to bring “religious values” into public schools that she claims are “indoctrination centers for the radical left.”

Tampa Bay Times: The rich irony of a Moms for Liberty co-founder caught in a Florida sex scandal | Column December 5th, 2023
“Who knew ‘traditional values’ included setting up a ménage à trois,” writes columnist Daniel Ruth.

Can we all admit an uncomfortable, but obvious truth?

Spoiler alert: This is the part where sex canoodles with politics and more pointedly, hypocrisy.

When you learned holier-than-thou Florida Republican Party Chairman Christian Ziegler, his sanctimonious wife, Sarasota School Board member Bridget Ziegler and a yet unnamed other woman had engaged in thrupleism your first reaction was somewhere along the lines of: (A) Oh now, we’re doomed (B) Yeah, so?, (C) Duh.

By now we have all pretty well figured out the greater the Bible-thumping in the hands of a pol, the greater the likelihood we’re merely one grope away from a Jerry Springer Show moment.

In time, we’ll find out if Chairman Ziegler did indeed sexually assault the unnamed woman. He has denied raping the woman, and an investigation is underway. But we do know the Zieglers and the woman consummated the friendship on at least one occasion about a year before the alleged crime occurred. And we have also learned Ziegler, who chairs a party that loves to caterwaul about “family values,” recorded the liaison.

What might we call this cinematic achievement? “Bridget Does Sarasota”?

It’s probably worth reminding everyone, it was Bridget Ziegler who was a founder of “Moms for Liberty,” which is sort of the template for the worst next-door neighbor from hell who roots through your garbage and tells everyone how many wine bottles are in your trash.

Mrs. Ziegler inveighed against anything remotely gay showing up on school library shelves. Moms for Liberty promoted parental control in schools and championed traditional values. Who knew “traditional values” included setting up a ménage à trois, unless you’re Madonna?

Almost immediately after the salacious and potentially criminal revelations went public Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis took a brief break from his presidential delusion tour to call for Christian Ziegler to step down as state GOP chairman…..After all, the notion of a powerful (for now) phony couple getting funky with an added member to the team hardly tarnishes the brand of a political party that has shown all the moral spine of Shakespeare’s Iago meets George Santos. The House of Representatives is now lead by Louisiana’s Mike Johnson an evangelical Christian who has managed to invoke God’s name even when he orders coffee….

By Trump’s standards on what passes for morality, Mr. and Mrs. Ziegler come off as The Beaver’s parents. “Say, Mrs. Cleaver, you look lovely in that bustier.”

Did the Zieglers get somewhat frisky? Sure. Are they shameless hypocrites? This is even a question?

But they are merely loyal footsie soldiers in a party populated by the sleazy likes of Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren “The Fondler” Boebert and perhaps the best for last, Jim Jordan, who has steadfastly declined to cooperate with an investigation into the sexual assault of Ohio State University wrestlers by a team doctor when he was a coach….

The condescending, self-righteous Christian and Bridget Ziegler aren’t extreme outliers in the Republican Party. They are simply a mirror reflecting an enabling GOP that long ago lost its way when it willingly appeased its worst figure.

Well, okay, this mirror is glued to a ceiling, but you get the idea.

Now of course as soon as I posted about the latest Bucks County Party Mom Gone Wrong the “faithful” came out of the woodwork. (Yes there have been others who have made the news cycle and then there was the mom who deep faked cheerleadears and the one who got jail time for her underage booze fest and being naked with young males in 2009 as well. Bucks County should be testing the air and the water.)

In 2022, something appeared about all that was Claire was not clean:

Clarice Schillinger Was Arrested for Using Bad Checks, DUI, Publicly Available Court Records Show
The most noteworthy incidents took place from 2007-2009
by CULLEN MCCUE April 13, 2022 in 2022, Politics National File

And apparently she was also fined in 2023 by the state ethics commission?

ABC27 Former Pennsylvania Lt. Governor candidate fined after State Ethics Commission investigation
by: George Stockburger Posted: Jul 12, 2023 / 05:57 PM EDT

Well this is an interesting turn of events, is it not? The ranks of Klanned Karenhood no matter what they call themselves are problematic, aren’t they? Burning question to end with is does Clarice also enjoy a good chianti and fava beans?

christmas traditions

Yes, these are cookies I baked this year,
and they are on a beautiful vintage white
milk glass cake stand that I got at
the Smithfield Barn a few years ago!

Christmas is a magical time and season for me. I love decorating and I bake, so it is always something I look forward to.

When we are growing up, we are in the midst of our parents’ traditions. Then we start to develop our own traditions which a lot of the time have their base in family traditions.

My mother and great aunts and grandmothers always baked Christmas cookies….so I continue that. Now there are some of the old school cookies that I have not mastered like pizzelles or true shortbread, but I have my own cookies that I make, including a new one for 2023: white chocolate peppermint meringue cookies. The base recipe which I doubled and changed came from the A Cook’s Tour of Shreveport Louisiana by the Junior League there which I will also share. (And this is a fabulous and out of print cookbook, but you can find it on eBay and Etsy.)

So here’s my recipe based on theirs:

4 egg whites

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar

3/4 teaspoon peppermint extract

1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 1/2 cups of sugar

1 cup white chocolate chips (mini sized if you can find them.)

3/4 cup crushed candy canes or other peppermint candy

1/2 cup ground hazelnuts

Preheat oven to 300°F

Chill beater attachments for mixer and metal mixing bowl about an hour ahead of time.

Beat egg whites, salt, cream of tarter, and extracts until soft peaks form.

Add sugar gradually until incorporated and stiff peaks form.

Fold in white chocolate chips, crushed peppermint candy, and nuts.

Drop by teaspoons about an inch or so apart. I bake these on parchment paper.

Bake each batch at 300° for 25 minutes. You will know they are done because they get puffy and they even may crack slightly on top.

I moved them, parchment paper and all to the cooling racks. I just slide them over from the cookie sheet that way when they cool they just come right off the parchment paper and I put fresh paper on the cookie sheet for the next batch also in between batches, I keep the cookie mixture chilled in the refrigerator.

My adaptation makes about 4 dozen meringues.

I also have a couple of recipes I was gifted. First was my childhood friend David’s grandmother’s pound cake recipe which I have made that is awesome. I was so excited when he gave me this recipe.

Another recipe I was gifted yesterday and will make it:

And then there is this shortbread recipe that someone found dropped in a grocery store and posted that I will try that I hope makes it back to it’s owner:

Now, one of the things that I learned from all my great aunts, both my grandmothers, and my own mother is when you’re having people over you get out the plates. No plastic glasses no paper cups no paper plates. Do it old school. It didn’t used to be old school, but now it is old school, because so many people who think plastic and paper are fine, and I’m not quite sure what they are saving their china plates and glasses for. China and glassware are meant to be used, and you can’t take it with you, so you might as well get it out of the cupboard and dust it off!

Funny I remember during Covid checking out this program by a “lifestyle expert“ only she used paper plates, plastic glasses, paper napkins. And this was a tutorial in instructing people how to entertain. Not a little kids party, but adults.

If you are going to set a table, then set a table. And you’re not doing it so the pictures look fabulous on social media, you’re doing it because you love it and you want to show your guests you care about them. Paper and plastic just don’t have the same appeal. And they never will no matter how a “lifestyle expert“ tries to tart it up along with a board for everything. Entertaining isn’t about social constipation. It’s about making things lovely for yourself and your guests so everybody enjoys themselves. It doesn’t have to be perfect, just put in the effort.

And if you don’t think you have the right things, check out a garage sale, a church sale, a holiday flea market. There are dishes and linens everywhere and you can pick them up for pennies on the dollar in most places, especially china because apparently it’s like “brown wood”. Sorry, not sorry while I like some accessories from West Elm, I will never be your West Elm child with art bought at Home Goods.

Yes, I am a crazy worshipper of old things. Especially at Christmas. I remember once in a past life, I had an almost sister-in-law at one time that did not put out holiday meals on pretty platters and things, it was all tinfoil containers and brown plates and paper napkins. How can you take the time to decorate a beautiful Christmas tree like she did and then the dining room table looked like an outdoor BBQ picnic table minus a fly swatter? But then, again, these were the people whose favorite blood sport was criticizing other people who weren’t there, so I guess it all fit?

And yes, do I dread unpacking everything and then having to pack it all up at times? Yes of course since I am not Martha Stewart with a Martha squad to clean up and set up….but then, when my dishes come out of their protective bags and the glasses come out of their storage containers and I iron the linens, it makes it all worth it. Kind of like the Christmas decorations.

My traditions for my female friends from high school, and a few others is a ladies tea. And it’s an excuse to dress up the table and I love it. It’s no politics, no world problems no local issues, it’s just Christmas.

One of my favorite flea market finds.

And yes, I actually do serve tea because years ago I acquired a slew of Spode Christmas tea cups and saucers at the flea market for next to nothing. And then this year at the Saint David’s Fair, I acquired the tea service that goes with the cups….again for next to nothing.

For Christmas plates I have vintage American China that I got a few years ago at the Smithfield Barn that has a very simple Christmas tree design on white plates that I love. They are not super valuable and they aren’t porcelain. They’re more like old hotel grade China, so they’re a little sturdier. But I love them and they’re festive.

And for hors d’oeuvres and nibbles and desserts I use those plates that people used to hang on their walls and now they are like bargain basement – the vintage Royal Copenhagen Christmas plates. A few years ago, I contacted the company to make sure I could actually use them to eat off of because there are some plates that are purely decorative. And the company wrote me back and said yes you can, so I do. And I literally see them now for a couple dollars a plate. Some of them are a little more expensive on eBay and Etsy especially if they are particular collector years, but plates are meant to be used. Above, I pulled two screenshots off of eBay to give you an idea of the plates.

I also like the clear glass, vintage dessert and salad plates that you can find all sorts of places that have the etching underneath the surface of the plate. They’re very simple, but they’re very pretty and they can go in the dishwasher. I know the ones I have are depression glass. Some were gifted to me, others I have found at church, rummage, sales and flea markets. Again very inexpensive if you find them in person a little more if you see them on eBay and Etsy but they have to be shipped.

Anyway, I hope all of my readers have a very Merry Christmas! Enjoy the recipes and enjoy the time you spend with others this holiday season.

Thanks for stopping by!

I don’t remember where all of the pixies came from, but the two little angels are Italian and they came from Melangell Antiques on Old Pottstown Pike in West Chester.

they can change the name, it’s still the same apartment complex in malvern

Just in time for Christmas the residents of this apartment building feel uneasy because their complex just changed hands.

This has been a year with this place. People have been complaining a lot about conditions in some buildings, downed trees blocking W. King Road, and and orange tax notices being posted.

So they might call it Eagle Rock now, and Frazer Crossing two days ago, but they’re still the William Henry Apartments and they need more than absentee landlords jacking the rents, right?

I hope East Whiteland Township goes in and inspects since new ownership should hopefully trigger inspections , because there are so many people that have so many problems living there they might finally get addressed. East Whiteland also doesn’t have a rental ordinance, which might help address ongoing problems with apartment complexes etc if they did.

This is the website of the new owners. They do own a couple buildings in Philadelphia. I know nothing about them, but I found this website.

Here’s hoping the new owners aren’t slumlords. Frazer Crossing/ William Henry/ Eagle Rock is across W. King Rd and Frazer Rd. from Immaculata.

happy winter solstice 2023

Happy Winter Solstice! It arrives at 10:27 PM EST , today December 21, 2023. This is the moment the exact moment the earth reaches its maximum tilt away from the sun.

Winter Solstice officially marks the shortest day and longest night of the year. From now on, the days become longer and nights become shorter.

The annual event is marked by winter traditions around the world, including parades, festivals, spiritual gatherings and other observances, and thousands of people flock to Stonehenge in England and other neolithic monuments.

So that’s it for me today enjoy the photos at the bottom that I have found along the way.

Grianstad Sona Daoibh or Happy Winter Solstice.

charlotte, darling, do you think no one is watching you?

Remember back in the spring when the Chesco Dems were acting like it was a bad Phoenixville Country Club board meeting? Shall we consider that it is still that way?

So I have been thinking about this again. What does it mean to be a Democrat in Chester County if they attack you for being independent minded? Doesn’t that make them everything they said they wouldn’t be when they took majority in Chester County?

I point you back to JudgeGate from the spring 2023 primaries…

So in addition, a few months ago all of a sudden this new to me Chesco Dem was following me and leaving super too friendly too soon comments on Twitter. So I kept an eye peeled. I thought to myself then hmmm she wants something or is planning on running for something. And she is indeed now running for State Rep. She is a Democrat. She has had headshots out there for a few months and then there are her Twitter handles and her friends were announcing on message boards months ago that she is running for State Rep. That would put her in Legislative District 155, or Danielle Friel Otten’s district. Oh and recently taking pot shots at Otten as well. Hope Deuso knows Taylor Swift’s song Karma? (Just sayin’)

Grandma Charlotte says she doesn’t let incumbents get primaried yet…. Isn’t it really liar -liar -pants -on -fire- Charlotte-Valyo which is why she needs to go go go?

Deuso wants to be a trendy kind of candidate vs a woman of substance who has earned her spot, and she couldn’t even make it to Borough Council in Downingtown so why does she think Otten’s seat should be hers?

Deuso also seems to have the run for something /anything disease like Republican David Sommers and talks sound bytes on social media and this is who oh Grandma please thinks is better than Danielle Friel Otten? I would ask if this was a joke, but the joke is Grandma Charlotte and her flying monkeys do this every time election season is nigh don’t they?

Now Deuso, who has also been made over and groomed a bit since her unsuccessful 2015 race, is also part of those Mid ChesCo Democrats which contain the filing 5 who were part and parcel of JudgeGate spring 2023, correct?

So the filing five 12 year old Kieran was out shilling for Deuso on Giving Tuesday and that Rachel who is also a Mid ChesCo Dems and of the filing 5 is Deuso’s campaign manager? And Kieran was seen swanning about recently in Harrisburg with Grandma Charlotte? As the Church Lady from Saturday Night Live would say, isn’t that special?

Do you believe in political coincidence? I do not.

Now while Charlotte Valyo and her flying monkeys have been flying around places like Harrisburg do they seriously think no one is paying attention?

However larger questions include asking Pennsylvania House Democrats and the Pennsylvania Democratic Party if they are really falling for Grandma Charlotte’s schtick ?

The flying monkeys are running their mouths at Grandmas’s behest talking smack about Rep. Danielle Friel Otten and Grandma Charlotte wants us to believe she supports all Democrats and doesn’t want incumbents primaried yet like magic she is seeing that Otten is primaried…yet again? Will there be a platform again for what was it ? Running CBD oil through pipelines?

We’ve got your number Charlotte and it’s time for you to go….

And the thing about Danielle Otten is she works equally for ALL of her constituents. That is why she is so loved. And good at her job. I have written about Danielle many times before because she is the real deal.

I am all for women making history, but for the right reasons. And I am sick and tired of the current woman leading the Chester County Democratic Committee and her version of “leadership” which is no better than consistently being a petty bitch who is terrified of anyone independent, especially other women. And Grandma Charlotte and her flying monkeys don’t seem to get that the reason Democrats in Chester County held onto their somewhat slim majority and county row for the 2023 elections wasn’t the quality of candidates and campaigning, but because of the various and assorted extremism groups who were trying to mess with our elections and school districts – people correctly didn’t want to let them in, so they voted blue not red. But they didn’t vote blue again because the candidates were all so fabulous.

Anyway, here we are at the end of 2023. And Charlotte Valyo is still undermining Democratic women in Chester County unless you are part of her flying monkey squad and hey now it’s not high school student council or the middle school popular girl lunch tables, so why are Chester County Democrats as a whole tolerating this? Aren’t we worth more as voters? Or does party leadership in fact not give a good god damn about what we may think? I think the Chester County Democratic Committee should not be run like Phoenixville Country Club.

Democrats in Chester County deserve better. We deserve open primaries without meddling behind the proverbial curtain and the flying monkey squad. I don’t know about you all but I tire of Grandma Charlotte’s reindeer games and country club mentality.

And in case you were wondering, even if I can’t vote for her, I am still #TeamDanielle because I believe in people who get into public service for the right reasons.

Also important to note is I am not saying Deuso shouldn’t run for elected office. And I am waiting for the daggers to come out from the flying monkey squad (because one thing you can count on from Grandma Charlotte is she doesn’t ever do her own work) that I am anti-Trans. I am not. But Deuso like others in the past including Rose Danese are just being used.

Deuso and her over inflated ego are just a bigger pawn in a game that will undoubtedly contain a sprinkling of dark money again, so watch those campaign finance reports, and what is “dark” money? Allow me to provide a refresher:

Philadelphia Inquirer: ‘Dark money’ groups spent $517,000 against two Philly-area candidates who oppose the Mariner East pipeline

Tracing the funding is almost impossible, as the nonprofits behind it are not required to disclose donors. The spending underscores the influence of “dark money” in seemingly low-profile races, as well as the stakes associated with the controversial pipeline project.

By Andrew Seidman
Published Jul. 20, 2020, 5:00 a.m. ET

Conservative nonprofit groups that have advocated for the natural gas industry funded hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of attack ads in last month’s primary election in two state House races in the Philadelphia suburbs.

Outside political groups spent at least $517,000 on Democratic primary races in Chester County, according to newly disclosed campaign records and data compiled by the ad tracking firm Advertising Analytics.

The targets of the attack ads were first-term state Rep. Danielle Friel Otten and Ginny Kerslake, both Democrats and outspoken opponents of Sunoco’s Mariner East pipeline project, which carries natural gas liquids from the Marcellus and Utica shale formations to the company’s terminal in Marcus Hook.

Otten won her primary. Kerslake lost to incumbent Democratic Rep. Kristine Howard.

Tracing the funding is almost impossible, as the nonprofits behind it are not required to disclose donors. The spending underscores the influence of “dark money” in seemingly low-profile races, as well as the stakes associated with the controversial pipeline project, a political and legal flash-point in the debate over energy and the environment.

“ It just was insanity to me that one legislator can be that powerful that they would spend a quarter of a million dollars to try to take me out in the primary,” Otten said in an interview.

She said she suspected the oil and gas industry was involved and wanted to “make an example of me, because I have been very outspoken about the egregiousness of what that industry is doing.”

Of course it also remains to be seen if Grandma Charlotte will see if the Democrat in the neighboring 167th District gets primaried. Why would I say that? Because State Rep Kristine Howard didn’t mind her place and ran for judge last spring in the primary and Grandma Charlotte and her flying monkeys and others did not want her to do that. They may still want to punish her for that, right? Howard is a terrible State Representative and I didn’t think she was qualified to be a judge, so if there is new blood for that race out of the Democrat side, it just depends who it is. But it will be interesting to see what happens there.

But I digress, although it is connected. Why? Because Kristine Howard used to be a flying monkey after a fashion, didn’t she?

It seems every time there’s an election cycle coming up in Chester County and if there is someone currently in elected office who is independent and there for the right reasons Charlotte Valyo talks out of both sides of her mouth and has to try to get rid of whomever it is. Last time it was Magisterial District Justice Paige Simmons, and this time and again it’s Danielle Friel Otten. And this time the pawn is Erica Deuso. One would think Deuso would be intelligent enough to figure this out, but apparently she’s not. But she is actually part of the flying monkeys squad, isn’t she? But hey Erica Deuso, remember that once flying monkeys no longer have a use, they are discarded aren’t they?

Also whatever happened to those magical 2023 bylaws? Remember that issue?

Why are the bylaws still not on their website? Where are they and shouldn’t they be readily available? Or did I miss them on the website? Also interesting? CCDC is seeking a paid monkey as of November 29th:

The Executive Director is to assist the Chair and Executive Committee in support of the political, fundraising, communications, and administrative operations of the Chester County Democratic Committee. This ideal candidate will have multiple cycles of leadership roles on political campaigns, a sense of professionalism around politically sensitive matters including donor calls and meetings, extensive training, and the ability to multi-task. The ideal candidate is a collaborative self-starter who is flexible in their day-to-day responsibilities while requiring little oversight. An understanding of Chester County politics, elected officials, and major local political issues is an asset.

It seems to me that they are advertising for a brain for Charlotte Valyo doesn’t it? Why not just get rid of her instead? The root of this problem is Grandma Charlotte and those others who can’t ever leave the proverbial party. The Chester County Democratic Committee needs fumigation and a makeover.

Until then, Happy Holidays dear Charlotte, we are all watching….and exercising our First Amendment rights.

honey brook township needs to let the sunshine in

Last night Honey Brook Township apparently passed a resolution to prohibit residents from asking questions via Zoom. Some special pretzel logic in addition where they claim it is too disruptive to ‘admit’ residents into Zoom calls which are an extension of public meetings who entered the meeting late. This is a suppression of free speech and the First Amendment is it not? Therefore a violation of Constitutional rights? What’s up with Honey Brook Township?

📌 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.📌

~ First Amendment

I just can’t with this stuff…here watch this snippet:

Some residents have reached out to me after this meeting last night. It is item 1 under new business on their agenda last evening.

And that is resolution 20-2023 concerning residents rights at public meetings.

Approve / not Approve Resolution 20-2023, Public Meeting Rules of Conduct and Public Comment.

And in this resolution, which is not in their packet or published publicly on their website says they have decided that residents who attend public meetings via Zoom, which is an extension of public meetings, cannot ask questions? Say what? And if someone is late getting on a Zoom meeting, you’re not going to let them into the meeting because you find it disruptive? Are they also locking the doors at your township meeting for people attending in public if they arrive late?

People can be made late to a meeting for any number of reasons whether it’s on Zoom or in person. And if you live in an area that has some rural qualities to it which means that also you’re going to have connectivity issues at times with things like the Internet, correct?

And to potentially prohibit residents from asking questions at their public meeting if attending on Zoom, which is their literal Constitutional right and we will start there, sounds rather odd so are residents mistaken? I ask if residents are mistaken, because most municipalities offer a virtual option now and they allow residents to register for the meeting and ask questions in person on the Zoom. Some municipalities also give you the additional opportunity of submitting questions in writing in advance of the meeting, but then those questions are read at the meeting and sometimes even answered at the meeting.

But why isn’t this resolution as a document not in your meeting agenda packet? Why is it not posted online? Why is it just a line item on an agenda?

Honey Brook Township needs to try a little sunshine on for size IMHO. Another thing? Why is it you can only complete a contact form on the website unless you wish to send a general e-mail to ?

The rights of residents, no matter where they reside, are not subjective. You have the right to expect meeting, decorum, and things of that nature, but this resolution is removing a right to speak unless you can be physically present in a boardroom is a problem in my opinion. I don’t get as much in a lather about giving residents 3 minutes to comment and giving organizations 5 minutes because if you have ever attended virtually or in public a Willistown Township Meetings ever you will notice that the crew I refer to as the sewer rats tend to literally monopolize the meetings to the detriment of the residents and public at large. They drone on and on and on while people wonder if they have a point or will get to one.

I am a realist, and understand that municipalities can’t always answer on the spot if a resident asks a question, but the resident should be able to speak whether it is on Zoom or in person.

I’m hoping that Honey Brook Township will do the right thing here. This resolution is problematic. It basically says they don’t want residents to participate where they live and pay taxes.

I also watched the video a resident did in Honey Brook Township last night in it’s entirety. If the township has the technology for Zoom and a website, it’s quite simple to list the meeting links and maintain meeting recordings. Most municipalities do that, even with Zoom. They post a little link a few days after a meeting occurs. A lot of municipalities post links to meeting additionally on a YouTube Channel which is free.

Also I found the manager and outgoing chair are not correct that most municipalities do not allow comment on Zoom. That is simply not true. You register for a Zoom meeting and can comment, or there is an option to just listen and view to the meeting online as it is happening. It is pretty simple. If people can’t attend a meeting in public, then they email.

If people are late to a Zoom meeting, it is no big deal to let them in. As audience participants, all we hear is a little ding noise. As the admin of the Zoom meeting you can disable side chat which runs like text messages which no one has an issue with because that is distracting and you have the option to keep participants on mute before they speak, and people use the zoom raise hand emoji to signal they wish to speak and in most municipalities they take in person speakers THEN zoom attendees.

Someone attending a public meeting via Zoom should have the same rights as someone attending in person. They say Uwchlan Township is their model and they are familiar with the way West Goshen does things…and that came from the guy who is the outgoing chair of the Supervisors named John McHugh. Sorry not sorry, but West Goshen is not a model municipality in my opinion. And definitely sunshine adverse most of the time. And I think they offered Uwchlan Township up because didn’t their manager used to be on Uwchlan’s police force and is married to a current Supervisor there?

Also as a matter of form, these supervisors voted on a proposed resolution without having it in a meeting packet, and didn’t ask for public comment before voting on said item. That is rather unusual. So is this resolution as step to an ordinance that will be enacted? A resolution after all is designed to be an official statement of the will of the governing body. A resolution is not the same as an ordinance, is it?

As an observer, Honey Brook Township has things that they should address with this. Being MORE Sunshine friendly is never a bad thing.

Thanks for stopping by,

land sharks.

There I was minding my own business in my own home , and the phone rings. It was from “Greg“ at Springer Realty.

Let me interject that we are on. DO NOT CALL lists.

So I said to “Greg“ at Springer Realty WHY was he calling because we’re on state and federal DO NOT CALL LISTS?

To anyone who makes a solicitation phone calls that is your first clue as to the conversation should be ending and you say sorry to bother you, have a nice day. but no, “Greg” continued.

Did I want to sell my house. I said to him quite honestly why would you think I want to sell my house?

Oh snap, “Greg” is still on the phone.

So I continued that he has the brass balls to call up homeowners essentially the week before Christmas plus a few days to ask them if they want to leave where they call home so they can make a buck in a commission?

I freely admit at this point I cursed “Greg“ out soundly. I am unapologetic for that. His job is not to continue to attempt to solicit people who obviously aren’t interested and who most importantly have told him that they are on a DO NOT CALL LIST.

I have discovered there are two people named “Greg“ at Springer Realty. The number he came in on was 484-312-1592.

So I called up Springer Realty, and the lady on the phone could not have been nicer. I asked to be put through to the broker of record. So they put me through to someone named Dave Springer, who did not answer the phone. So I left a message. I didn’t curse at him, but it was pretty pointed.

My next phone call was to the board of realtors out here. Tri County Suburban Realtors. Also, very nice but I don’t really think they were interested in my phone call. If I want, I can file an ethics complaint, but will they actually do anything with an ethics complaint?

She sent me the forms and it came with a form email:

Attached are the forms to file an ethics complaint against a Realtor.


A complaint must be filed with the proper form and in the proper format. Included are detailed instructions and additional information. To ensure prompt review of your complaint, please take time to read and follow the instructions. 


All forms and documents for the initial filing must be hand-delivered or mailed to Tri-County Suburban REALTORS, 1 Country View Road, Suite 201, Malvern, PA 19355.


Feel free to call me if we need to discuss.

So essentially, I have to go through their ethics rules and decide if there’s something that fits for me to file a complaint. I told her why I was calling, and she didn’t say to me go to paragraph 2 subsection C, for example. So I’m guessing as nice and polite as she was they’re not really interested in dealing with realtors and their solicitation practices. Or consumer complaints.

I know some of the finest realtors in Chester County and they have ethics. They have morals and I know from talking to them all the problems of agents stealing listing photos, and things that are just bad form that THEY experience.

But this brings me to another story of a development called the Village of Shannon in West Goshen. They have had some guy roaming around recently who has a solicitation permit and apparently who is knocking on doors to ask people if they want to sell their houses. And again he’s doing the impersonal version of the telephone solicitation call a week and a few days before Christmas.

Residents in the Village of Shannon are fed up. This guy keeps coming back and he keeps coming back to houses who have already said to him NO please go away. He also keeps coming back to houses that have signs posted that say no solicitation.

These people have called West Goshen Township and West Goshen Township should be helping the residents, because if this guy keeps doing soliciting in person, and they keep telling him no, that’s trespass. And it’s definitely trespass if there are no solicitation signs posted.

To help those residents I am including a photo below at the bottom of the guy as it showed up on someone’s ring camera, along with one of the posts that made me pay attention to this unscrupulous realtor issue.

I understand that it’s a tight real estate market and people want to live out here but might I suggest if you can’t behave better as a realtor, choose a different career path? Also, while you’re helping your clients, why don’t you direct them to all those overpriced apartments and townhouses that are rentals in this area?

Last time I posted about solicitation like this it was because I had had experienced a door-to-door soliciting realtor. And I was told how mean I was that they are just trying to make a living etc. etc. And when that occurred I once again felt the need to point out that I do have a no solicitation sign posted.

Whether it’s door-to-door solicitation or cold call solicitation, you need to know who’s on a do not call list before you pick up the phone and if you see a no solicitation sign or someone tells you to go away and not come back you need to abide by it.

These are the people that give a good decent, hard-working realtors a bad name, which is why I’m calling them land sharks.

Rant over and yes, this was a rant in case you couldn’t tell.

for christmas can pennsylvania please address “suicide bridge” aka the trestle bridge in downingtown, pa?

I have written about this bridge before over the past few years. At the bottom of the post are the three posts I have written.

We all talk about this bridge, it’s incredibly historic and incredibly dangerous. See this video that is about a year old I just found:

I just can’t even with this. And I will tell you why. I know if people are set on ending their lives, they will find a way. But it seems to me there should be some way to secure this a little better?

I also found a video of kids climbing it:

Here’s a drone video:

There are actually a lot of videos about this bridge. It has undisputable history, and it is also a jumper location. Not being crass, but there is good reason why it is called suicide bridge.

I was told a couple of days ago that there have been TWO suicides, as in two new suicides here in the past couple of weeks or so. Please NOTE these aren’t all teenagers. That is incredibly sad.

This backs up what I was told in part:

Someone I was speaking with the other day said there have been at least 10 suicides in the last 7 years. I do know that only 2, yes 2 have been reported. No one wants to talk about suicide or mental health resources being in short supply, but how many suicides off of just this bridge alone before we have this conversation. I understand that Senator Carolyn Commita is rumored to be meeting with people about this from somewhere local supposedly this week, but is this something she will stick her neck out for?

And Governor Josh Shapiro seems to like grabbing headlines, so Governor Shapiro, how about grabbing a headline for good? After all I have also been told this abandoned/orphaned bridge is no longer under the not so watchful eyes of Norfolk Southern, but instead PennDOT so that brings responsibility all IN state, so hey how about it Governor Shapiro? Because I know how SLOW PennDOT is on orphaned bridges because I used to write about one that it took PennDOT over a decade to take care of. That is the Pennswood Bridge in Bryn Mawr. And this Trestle Bridge would be an actual emergency situation so if Governor Shapiro can waive a magic wand for I-95 bridges, why not here as a mitzvah for the holidays?

Below along with links of former posts on this bridge are screenshots I have taken of videos of this bridge. This bridge is dangerously decrepit up top, and it really doesn’t seem like there is anything much preventing people from getting up there.

Surely something can be done to remove the horrible reputation of this historic bridge?

What can YOU do? Contact politicians, Chester County officials, random PennDOT people and sign the petition isn’t a bad idea is it? Note that there are all sorts of PennDOT bridge etc. projects in the area and they all have project managers. Throw enough spaghetti against a wall and things stick right? We can hope it is the same with PennDOT… all we can do is try….public officials won’t care unless we show them WE care.

Contact Governor Josh Shapiro

PennDOT Chester County Maintenance is right in Coatesville: Phone484-340-3200

PennDOT Engineering District 6 is in King of Prussia Phone: 610-205-6700

PennDOT Municipal Services Supervisor: Louis Calvanese,, 610-205-6541

PennDOT Press Release Person/Media: Robyn Briggs, (Her husband is State Rep Tim Briggs FWIW)

PennDOT Boot Rd Bridge Project Manager, Justin Gattorno Phone: 610-205-6693Email:

PennDOT Doe Run Bridge Project Manager, Nathan Parris

PennDOT Ship Road over Valley Creek Bridge Project Manager, Nicholas Macelko Emailnimacelko@pa.go Phone: 610-205-6529

​U.S. 322 (West Chester Bypass) Ida Slope Restoration Project Manager, Kalpesh Parikh Phone: 610-205-6621

Call PA Senator Carolyn Comitta’s District Office 610692211                                    
   Email her Chief of Staff Michael Hartman                                                              

Call Chester County Planning Commission 6103446285                                                      


PennDOT (NEW owners of bridge)